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Define Salary for Coaches
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Written by Team Arbox
Updated over a week ago

You can define the salary according to each class type as well as directly for each coach. The personal salaries override the general salaries, meaning that if you define a personal salary for a coach who is coaching a class that has a general salary already defined, the coach’s personal salary will be calculated according to their personal one.

Defining General Salary by Class Type

  1. Click on Schedule in the sidebar

  2. Click on the setting icon ⚙️ and choose Booking Services

  3. Choose the class in that you want to Define Salary
    Note: setting the salary is the same when adding a new class as when editing an existing one

  1. You’ll see three new salary options:

  1. Not Set- There is no salary set to this class

  2. fixeds - this is a set salary for each class, regardless of how many participants it has

  3. occupancy - this option allows you to set salary ranges depending on how many members attend the class

  1. Click save and the salary has been updated for that class

Personal Salary Details

  1. Find the specific coach by clicking on Settings in the sidebar or through the search bar

  2. In the coach’s profile, click on the “Class and Salary Details” tab

  3. From the dropdown menu, click “Salary Terms”

  4. Click on the

    in the bottom right corner and click on Personal Salary Terms

  5. Here you can set the coach’s salary across all classes or for each one specifically

  6. Define the salary amounts and click save to apply the salary terms

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