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Filter query syntax reference

Simple reference for filter queries to get you started

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

Filter queries restrict the data included (or excluded) in your report. A filter will test each value of your report: if the filter matches, the row is kept otherwise it's discarded.

Below we explain how to use the filter query syntax. If you have more in-depth questions, we recommend the official Google Analytics filter query syntax reference.

Filter syntax

name operator expression
  • name - the name of the dimension or metric to filter on. For example, ga:pageviews filters on the pageviews metric.

  • operator - the comparison (greater than, less than, equals, etc) to match ga:name. There are different operators for dimensions (words) or metrics (numbers).

  • expression - the number, to match against the metric or phrase to match against the dimension.

Filter syntax: name

You can use the Dimensions and Metrics Reference to find the ga:name for any dimension or metric.

The ga:name is the ID of a dimension or metric. For example, ga:pageview, ga:bounceRate, or ga:pagePath.

Filter syntax: metric operators

                         Metric Operators

Operator Description Example

== Equals ga:timeOnPage==10

Return results where the time on
the page is exactly ten seconds

!= Does not equal ga:timeOnPage!=10

Return results where the time on
the page is not ten seconds

> Greater than ga:timeOnPage>10

Return results where the time on
the page is strictly greater than
ten seconds

< Less than ga:timeOnPage<10

Return results where the time on
the page is strictly less than ten

>= Greater than or ga:timeOnPage>=10
equal to
Return results where the time on
the page is ten seconds or more

<= Less than or ga:timeOnPage<=10
equal to
Return results where the time on
the page is ten seconds or less

Filter syntax: dimension operators

                         Dimensions Operators

Operator Description Example

== Exact match ga:city==Irvine

Aggregate metrics where the city
is Irvine

!= Does not match ga:city!=Irvine

Aggregate metrics where the city
is not Irvine

=@ Contains substring ga:city=@York

Aggregate metrics where the city
contains York

!@ Does not contain ga:city!@York
Aggregate metrics where the city
does not contain York

=~ Contains a match ga:city=~^New.*
for the regular
expression Aggregate metrics where the city
starts with New

!~ Does not match ga:city!~^New.*
regular expression
Aggregate metrics where the city
does not start with New

Filter syntax: expressions

There are a couple of rules that you will want to keep in mind:

  • Semicolons: must be escaped with a backslash, like this \;

  • Commas: must be escaped with a backslash, like this \,

  • Regular expressions: always case-insensitive and cannot be longer than 128 characters

Filter syntax: combining filters

You can combine filters using OR and AND boolean logic.

Filter syntax: combining filters using OR

The OR operator is defined using a comma (,).

A few examples are:

  • Country is either United States OR Canada

  • ga:country==United%20States,ga:country==Canada

  • Firefox users on Windows OR Macintosh operating systems

  • ga:browser==Firefox;ga:operatingSystem==Windows,ga:operatingSystem==Macintosh

Filter syntax: combining filters using AND

The AND operator is defined using a semi-colon (;).

A few examples are:

  • Country is United States AND the browser is Firefox

  • ga:country==United%20States;ga:browser==Firefox

  • Operating system is (Windows OR Macintosh) AND browser is (Firefox OR Chrome)

  • ga:operatingSystem==Windows,ga:operatingSystem==Macintosh;ga:browser==Firefox,ga:browser==Chrome

  • Country is United States AND sessions are greater than 5

  • ga:country==United%20States;ga:sessions>5

Complete reference

Please visit the official Google Analytics filter query syntax reference for more details.

Filter queries are a Premium feature of Arc Analytics.

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