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Booking credits not working

Fixing most common issues when working with credits

Camilo avatar
Written by Camilo
Updated over 9 months ago

In this article, we will review the most common scenarios where we have seen that credits are not functioning as expected. For more information about setting and working with credits, you can refer to this article.

Reason 1. The account has no credits

On the homepage, go to the accounts section, locate the account desired, click the 3 dots button next to it, and click open

Under the General tab, click the Credits sub tab, and refer to the information found under the Credits frame, if no credits are listed:

Confirm if the account has an active subscription where credits should be received from.

  • If there is an active subscription, but credits were not showing under the "Credits sub tab" mentioned above, Credits were not correctly set in the plan. If this is the case you will need to:

    • Add the credits to the plan, to add credits to a plan, you can refer to this article.

    • When you make modifications to a plan, in this case adding credits, they won't be applied to active subscribers, they will be applied to new subscribers only. To update an existent subscription:

      • Go to the Account

      • Click the subscriptions tab

      • Locate the subscription desired

      • Click the 3 dots button, and click upgrade

      • Under the "Conference room credits" section, add the credits desired

      • Click Confirm to save the changes

Confirm if the account should receive the credits from a subscription bought from a Teams account.

  • If the personal account doesn't have credits under the credits sub tab, but should receive credits from a subscription bought from a Teams account, you should:

    • Confirm the credits set in the teams account, for this, go to the General tab of the personal account, and click where it says Part of the team account "Team_account_name" to be taken into the Team account

    • On the Team account, under General, click the "credits" sub tab

    • Confirm that the credits are present, if not, you will need to follow the steps listed in the previous point (adding credits to the plan and updating the current subscription)

    • Confirm if the subscription is set to allow beneficiaries by going to the Subscriptions tab, and referring to the Beneficiaries value on the subscription.

    • If no information is displayed, it could mean that the plan was not set to allow beneficiaries, or that the beneficiaries have not been set.

      • Check the current subscription by clicking the 3 dots button, clicking upgrade, and under the beneficiaries section, review the option selected

        • Unlimited access: This will allow all personal accounts under the team account to benefit from the subscription

        • Select number of access: This will allow you to specify the number of personal accounts that can benefit

        • No access: No personal account will benefit from the plan. If this is set, the personal accounts won't be able to use the credits

      • Select the desired option and click confirm

    • Set the beneficiaries desired, by clicking the 3 dots button, and selecting Edit beneficiaries

Archie tip: Don't forget to update your plan settings so new purchases have the credits and beneficiaries info desired.

  • When the credits are listed in a teams account, you must select the team account when making the booking, doing the booking from the personal account won't use credits since they are under the teams account.

Reason 2. The credits on the account are not valid on that bookable item

  • If you confirm in the previous step that either the personal account or the team account have credits and the beneficiaries were correctly set, but the credits are not being added when doing the booking, you need to verify that the credits set are for the item that is being booked.

  • Go to the credits that the account should be using by following the steps reviewed in "Reason 1" , hover your mouse over the Credit line, and confirm the items set.

  • In the above example, a user was not able to book the room Mondrian with credits, we confirmed in the settings that only the rooms Picasso and Dali were added.

  • Proceed to add the credits correctly into the plan, and update the active subscription

    • Add the credits to the plan, to add credits to a plan, you can refer to this article.

  • When you make modifications to a plan, in this case adding credits, they won't be applied to active subscribers, they will be applied to new subscribers only. To update an existent subscription:

    • Go to the Account

    • Click the subscriptions tab

    • Locate the subscription desired

    • Click the 3 dots button, and click upgrade

    • Under the "Conference room credits" section, add the credits desired

    • Click Confirm to save the changes

Reason 3. Team credits can't be used by a team member

  • When you are setting your plans, you can specify the number of beneficiaries, this number indicates how many accounts within a Team account will have access to the plan

  • If a user from a team account can't use the credits you can confirm if the user is part of the beneficiaries by going to the Team account, Clicking the Subscription tab, locating the Plan desired, clicking the 3 dots button, clicking Beneficiaries, and adding the users desired.

Reason 4. The plan/membership has not started yet

  • Verify the start date of the plan. If the plan hasn't started yet, you'll need to wait until it starts to begin using the credits.

Reason 5. The team account has credits, but they are not showing when doing the booking

  • When processing the booking, make sure that you select the team account instead of the personal account.

In this example, the booking is being made in behalf of a personal account, this won't use the credits set the Team account.

In this example, the booing is being made in behalf of the Team account for the personal account, this will use the credits set in the Team account

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