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Working with Menu Items

Enabling or disabling Menu elements

Camilo avatar
Written by Camilo
Updated over a week ago

Menu Items Visibility

To customize which elements are visible to your users, follow these steps:

  • Navigate to Settings > General.

  • Locate the section titled "Menu Items Visibility".

  • Here, you can enable or disable specific elements that you wish to display.

Menu Extension Links

Use this feature to add custom links to your menu. This is often used to direct users to the company website or social media pages.

To add a menu extension link:

  • Navigate to Settings > General.

  • Locate the section titled "Menu Extension Links".

  • Click on the Add Extension button.

  • Enter the label for the link (e.g., "Instagram", "Company Website").

  • Select the group for which you want to make this link available.

  • Enter the URL to which you want to redirect the user.

  • Choose an icon to represent the link.

  • Click Confirm to save your changes.

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