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Design Options
Aaron Fife avatar
Written by Aaron Fife
Updated over 2 months ago

Design options allow you to create and compare multiple designs for your project.

Creating a new design option

Projects have an option set with an option by default. To create a new option hover on Option Set 1 and click the + button that appears.

Renaming an option

To rename an option:

  1. Right click on the option you want to rename

  2. Select Rename from the menu that appears

  3. Enter the new name and press Enter to confirm the change

Deleting an option

To delete an option:

  1. Right click on the option you want to delete

  2. Select Delete from the menu that appears. Note that all geometry that exists only on that option will be deleted as well.

Creating a new option set

Option sets allow you to mix and match different options within your overall design. For example, you may have an option set for building options, and another option set for parking options.

To create a new option set, click the + button beside the Design Options section header.

Renaming an option set

To rename an option set:

  1. Right click on the option set you want to rename

  2. Select Rename from the menu that appears

  3. Enter the new name and press Enter to confirm the change

Deleting an option set

To delete an option set:

  1. Right click on the option set you want to delete

  2. Select Delete from the menu that appears. Note that you cannot delete an option set if it contains any options.

Setting the active option

A star is shown beside the active option - all geometry modelled is placed on the active option.

To change the active option, double click the option you want to make active OR right click on the option you want to make active and select Set as active option from the menu that appears.

Managing option visibility

You can view options from multiple option sets at the same time, limited to one visible option per option set. This allows you to quickly switch between different combinations of options from different sets to compare which combination of options is preferred.

To make an option visible, single click on the option you want to make visible - a dot will appear next to the option to indicate that it is visible.

To hide a visible option, hover on the visible option and click the X button that appears. Note that the active option cannot be hidden.


Above the option sets in the Design Options section is Base. Geometry on Base is visible in all design options. Site context and site boundary are placed on Base by default.

To model geometry on Base, double click Base. You’ll see a star appear next to Base to indicate that it is the active option.

To toggle the visibility of Base, hover on Base and click the eye icon that appears.

Assigning Design Options

Elements may be assigned to 1 or more design options. To assign a design option, select an element and choose the desired design options from the Design Options section in the right sidebar.

Elements that don’t have any design options assigned are placed on Base.

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