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Written by Aaron Fife
Updated over a month ago

The Parking section of the Metrics sidebar shows:

  • Total parking stalls on site

  • Number of stalls per parking type

The total parking stalls are shown as a percentage of required stalls beside the Parking section header.

Parking types are shown in number of stalls - to view the type as a percentage, hover on the corresponding section of the bar chart in the Parking section.

Assigning a parking type

Parking in Arcol is parametric, meaning it will automatically created and layout stalls. To create parking simply select a sketch or sketch face, click the + button in the Function section of the right sidebar, and select Parking from the list of functions in the menu that appears. As soon as a parking function is assigned you’ll see the generated stalls appear on the sketch.

Editing parking parameters

There are various parameters used to generate parking include stall dimensions and drive aisle widths. To edit these parameters select a sketch or sketch face that has a parking type assigned, hover on the Parking section in the right sidebar, and click on the settings button that appears to show the parameters menu.

Entrances and ADA stalls

To add entrances and ADA stalls, enter a value into the Entrances and ADA stalls inputs in the Parking section in the right sidebar when a sketch with a parking type assigned is selected.

When entrances of ADA stalls are added a labelled control point is shown while the parking sketch is selected. Drag the control point to change the location of the entrance or ADA stalls.

Creating a parking type

By default Arcol has a Parking parking type - unless you want to see the division between something like surface and structure parking, the default is likely all you need.

To create a parking type:

  1. Hover on the Parking section of the Metrics sidebar and click the settings button that appears in the top right. This will open the Parking Parameters menu.

  2. Click the + button beside the Parking Types header.

Renaming a parking type

To rename a parking type click on the name, enter the new name, and press Enter to confirm the change.

Changing parking type color

Sketches and/or extrusions assigned a parking type will be shown in the parking type color when viewing the Function style. To change a parking type color, click on the color square beside the parking type name and select a new color from the picker.

Deleting a parking type

To delete a parking type, click the - button that is shown beside the type name in the Parking Parameters menu. Note that any elements with that parking type assigned will automatically have the type unassigned as a result.

Setting parking requirements

Required parking can be calculated in 3 ways:

  1. Fixed β†’ A total static number

  2. Per Unit β†’ Counted by multiplying number of units by required stalls per unit set per area type.

  3. By Area β†’ 1 stall per X sf/m2, set per building function.

Park requirement type is set in the Edit building function menu. If Fixed or By Area is selected, an input is displayed below the toggle. If Per Unit is selected, a Stalls per unit input will show in each Edit area type menu for that building function.

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