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Exporting video and audio for preservation, and delivery to outside entities.

Updated over 2 weeks ago


At Arcules, we're committed to helping you effectively manage incidents with ease and confidence. Our solution allows you to seamlessly add video and audio clips into a case file, providing you with robust evidence that's admissible in a court of law. Each piece of evidence is securely watermarked to ensure its integrity and validity.

The video and audio data held within a case is stored in a secure cloud container, outside of your retention policy. This footage will remain stored until it is removed from a case at no additional storage costs.

Creating Cases

Go to the Views Page and select a camera from a View.

From Playback

  1. Enter playback mode.

  2. Navigate to the event by using the date and time picker, or by using the scrub bar.

From Forensic Search

  1. Click on the Forensic Search Thumbnail icon to enter Forensic Search

  2. Use the Forensic Search filters to find your event.

  3. Click on the thumbnail to bring up the footage you need.

From Sync Playback

  1. From your selected View, select the Sync Playback button at the top of the view.

  2. Select up to 6 cameras to populate the Sync Playback and click OK.

  3. Use the Date Picker or scrub bar to locate your event.

Exporting the footage

  1. Click the 3-dot icon in the bottom right corner of the video player.

  2. Select the Export option (Export All from Sync playback).

  3. Refine your date/time range ​(Note: The limitation is up to 60 mins for a single export)

  4. Give your evidence a Title and Description

  5. In the Case field, select an existing case to add evidence to, or type to create a new Case.

  6. Select "Include audio if available" if you want to include any recorded audio from related audio devices, or cameras with built-in audio.

  7. Click Export

A pop-up will display with the option to View Case (which will take you to the Cases page for this case) or Done to close the dialogue box.

Managing Cases

To manage your cases and archives, click on Cases in the left navigation. Here you can view, share, and download all of your cases and evidence. The left menu gives you an overview of available cases. You can search for cases, sort them, and filter by case owner.

Archived evidence is not subject to the retention period and will remain stored in the cloud indefinitely unless manually deleted.

On the top right, you have the options to manage a case (edit, download case audit logs, delete).

You can play archived video in-app within the Cases page simply by clicking the video evidence to reveal the player. Alternatively, you can download the individual footage by clicking the Download option under the 3-dot icon or save the entire case by selecting the Download All button.

When you download a case, you'll receive a zip file containing:

  • Video clips with Arcules watermark (showing our logo, the camera name, and recording timestamp).

  • A digital signature of the clips.

  • The audit log of the case.

We're here to ensure your experience with managing and exporting case evidence is as straightforward and efficient as possible. Your trust and security are our top priorities.

Have questions? We're here to help! 👋 Reach out to the Arcules team through the chat icon at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

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