In Ardex a horse owner will also be your customer, and will have a trade debtor relationship with your business.
Owner details are maintained in People & Firms. Select Main at the bottom left then select People & Firms.
An owner can be an individual or a company, you may add name, address, phone and e-mail information and an ABN if they are a business.
To add a new owner click New on the right.
Fill in as much detail in the Main section as is available to you. The more information stored under a Person or Business, the easier your relation will be with that Owner.
Basic information should include;
First/Last Names and Salutation
Phone Number/s
E-mail address
Note there is a second field for e-mail, allowing you to store the contact details of a person associated with Accounts/payments. There are two more important fields -
Send Communications By: Select the preferred contact method for communications
Roles: Contacts entered in People & Firms will default to the Owner role.
A Notes field is available to record any additional information pertaining to that Owner.
Once details have been entered, click Add at the bottom left to create the Owner record in Ardex. If you are amending Owner records, the button will change to Update.
A Debtor Number will be allocated automatically.
For more information regarding Owners, refer to the User Guide Horse Ownership in Ardex - Entering Owner Details (pg. 3)