System procedures in Ardex perform special functions in the background, updating horse location status and daily charge rate, category, breeding and foaling information and other relevant details. Following is a list of frequently implemented and used system procedures, if any of the procedures listed are not currently available in your database and you feel they would be of use to your business please contact Ardex for a system procedure implementation quote.
Please note that system procedures cannot be implemented from within the Ardex user interface. If you create a procedure with the same name as a system procedure, it will not perform as if it is a system procedure. System procedures are implemented in the background by an Ardex programmer.
Agistment Changed
Change location status, daily charge rate and property for horse.
Record that a horse has arrived to a property, location status and daily charge rate.
This procedure is recorded automatically in the background when the Mare Foaled procedure is recorded, as a record of birth of the foal.
Changed to Brood Mare
Change horse Type to Brood Mare.
Changed to Racehorse
Change horse Type to Racehorse.
Changed to Speller
Change horse Type to Speller.
Changed to Stallion
Change horse Type to Stallion.
Changed to Weanling
Change horse Type to Weanling.
Changed to Yearling
Change horse Type to Yearling.
Record that a horse has departed from a property (and should no longer be charged daily agistment or training).
Record the death of a horse.
DOD arrived
Official document of description for a horse has arrived.
DOD sent
Official document of description for a horse has been sent.
Final Scan Positive - Last Season
If you forget to record details of positive pregnancy scans on a mare last breeding season, and then the mare foals this season, this procedure will record final scan positive results on the Mare so that foaling can be completed in the current season.
Foal Weaned
Record that a Foal has been weaned from a Mare.
Record the height of a horse.
Mare - Foster Mare
Where a foal is adopted by a mare this procedure will establish the new relationship of mare and foal. This procedure is sometimes used where the mare and foal each exist in Ardex, but there is no established relationship between them.
Mare Barren
Record that a Mare is not capable of becoming pregnant this season.
Mare Foaled
Record that a pregnant Mare has given birth to a Foal. Colour, sex and time of birth of the foal must be recorded. A Birth procedure will be recorded automatically when Mare Foaled is recorded, and the new foal created in your database.
Mare Ovulated
Record that a Mare has ovulated.
Mare Pg'ed
Treatment administered to Mare to bring her in season for mating.
Mare Served
Mare served by Stallion (mated).
Mare Slipped
Mare pregnancy terminated.
Change location status, daily charge rate and property for horse.
Movement - external
Record movement of horse into new paddock off farm.
Movement - Paddock
Record movement of all horses in one paddock to another.
Movement With Communication
Change location status, daily charge rate and property for horse and communicate the movement to owners of the horse.
Add a photo to the photos & images tab on the horse information screen.
Pregnancy Test Negative
Record that a mare is not pregnant.
Pregnancy Test Positive
Record that a mare is pregnant.
Scan 1 Negative
First pregnancy scan negative.
Scan 1 Positive
First pregnancy scan positive.
Scan 2 Negative
Second pregnancy scan negative.
Scan 2 Positive
Second pregnancy scan positive.
Slipped - Current Season
Mare pregnancy terminated β current season.
Record the weight of a horse.
Tip: System procedures can be renamed and they will still perform the same function, but it is generally a good idea not to do this. Any new staff member contacting Ardex technical support for advice on recording mare foaling, or foal weaning, or change of agistment, will be given advice on the assumption that system procedures are named as above. Therefore renaming system procedures, or creating non-system procedures with similar names, often leads to confusion.