Ardex Premier allows you to create batch supplier EFT payments and import them to internet banking, simplifying the process and eliminating issues such as lost cheques.
Supplier EFT payments are created through the same screen as printing cheques and remittances
Select Finance then Payments
Enter the date the payments were received into Ardex
Select the bank account the funds were paid from
Click Cheques & Remittances
Note: This process assumes you have already recorded the supplier EFT payments that will be processed.
Click EFT File Location to set the destination for the EFT file export
To skip any suppliers payment, place a tick the Skip column
Ensure EFT Bank Details are recorded for all suppliers you wish to pay electronically
Click Create EFT File
Navigate to the EFT File Location specified. The exported file will have one of the following file extensions:
A file ending in .EFT (eg TT130888.eft) means you are not set-up for EFT exports. Please contact your bank and obtain a 6 digit User Verification Number, then contact Ardex support requesting setup for exporting EFT payments.
A file ending in .ABA (eg TT130888.aba) means Ardex is set-up for EFT exports. You can now log in to your Internet banking and import the .ABA file to approve and process payments.
For more information, consult the Ardex User Guide Accounts Payable in Ardex - Paying Suppliers by EFT (pg 16).