Customers can often have multiple accounts for the same person, due to their own personal interests, or they could be managing a syndicate. It's not unusual to be asked to transfer funds from one person/entity to another.
Follow these steps to quickly perform the transfer;
Confirm the amount to transfer
Check current account balance/s in People & Firms, using the Owners with Balances view.
Click Finance – Credits and Transfers
Select Transfer from one owner to another
Enter the date for the transfer (or leave as current/default)
Transfer From: Enter the account to DEBIT
Transfer To: Enter the account that will receive a CREDIT
Amount: Enter a dollar amount
Enter a Reason for reference. This will appear on the Owners statement
Click Add to commit the transfer of funds
To verify the change;
Go to Main – People & Firms
Click Refresh – the balances will change, with the transferred sum now in the recipients Loan Balance column