Bulk Credit Cards

How to charge multiple clients by credit card

Cameron Higgins avatar
Written by Cameron Higgins
Updated over a week ago

Normally, you will go to Finance > Bulk Credit Cards once per month after issuing owner statements to automatically charge all clients who have agreed to automatic deductions for settlement of their account.

  • Click Refresh at top right to get a list of clients who may potentially be charged for account settlement. 

Columns displayed in the Bulk Credit Cards screen are as follows:

Once you have checked all details in the bulk credit cards screen and skipped any owners you do not wish to charge, then click ‘Process’ at top right of screen to charge the credit cards for amounts outstanding. You will get messages on screen indicating success or failure of credit card processing.

Note: Processing credit card payments in Ardex Premier relies on a stable internet connection, as the merchant facility is internet based. If you can’t access a website or send e-mail, then credit card processing in Ardex will also fail.

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