Ardex Mail Merge allows for complex selection criteria to be applied when selecting records from your database for inclusion in a mail merge. When clicking the Select Criteria button you will notice that there are many selection criteria available on the left, and you may include members of more than one selection group in the mail merge, or exclude group members using a variety of selection rules.
Select Criteria Options
Select Criteria Actions
For example, lets say we want to run two mail merges through Ardex:
one message to be sent to owners with accounts 30 to 60 days overdue
a different message to be sent to owners with accounts 90 days or more overdue
However, we do not want any of our VIP customers to receive either of these messages, and we don’t want any owner to receive both messages - just one or the other.
To select recipients for the 30 to 60 days overdue account message we may choose
Overdue Debtors > Include as well > 30 Days or more overdue; then
Overdue Debtors > Include as well > 60 Days or more overdue; then
Overdue Debtors > But exclude > 90 Days or more overdue; then
Categories > But exclude > VIP Customers
Note that we need to click the Refine List button between each of these steps.
Then after sending this mail merge we can set-up the 90 days or more selection criteria as follows:
Overdue Debtors > Include as well > 90 Days or more overdue; then
Categories > But exclude > VIP Customers
By using combinations of selection criteria, and by including and excluding groups from the mail merge, it becomes possible to target people entered to your Ardex database by a wide variety of criteria and rules and tailor messages accordingly.
Add to this the use of mail merge bookmark fields, and the ability to insert graphics and tables into web page filtered HTML files and attach PDF documents to e-mail messages sent, and the power and potential of Ardex mail merge begins to materialise.
Send a message to all owners of race horses currently on your property
Send a message to all owners living in a certain geographical region
Send a message to all horse owners who purchased a breeding nomination last season
Send a message to all horse trainers
Send a message to all suppliers with e-mail details
The possibilities for sending targeted business communications through Ardex are almost limitless.