In Ardex you can rank Owners (and Suppliers) via people and firms if you wish. The idea is to highlight people you intend to treat as VIP clients so they can receive special treatment, or highlight anyone with a history of late payment (or non-payment) of accounts, as a warning for future dealings.
Most Ardex clients don’t use this feature, but if you wish to then simply double-click any person and enter a number (1-5) in the Client Ranking box (bottom right) to give them a rank. Then in preferences assign a colour to each rank, and clients with that rank will highlight accordingly.
You can also set the default view for the Expenses screen (almost always choose ‘On-charge’, unless you are a Vet and frequently purchase expensive vet supplies which you track in inventory).
You can set a default printer for printing lists if you wish. Ardex will normally print automatically to the printer set as default in your Windows operating system (via Devices and Printers control panel).
Finally you can set preferences for the Enquiry screen (accessed via the enquiry button at the right in People and Firms). It is normally beneficial to ‘Show All Activity’ (alternative is current month only).