Ardex Premier is an integrated horse management and financial system. Ardex is the leading software package for the horse breeding and racing industry in Australia and New Zealand, and has gained significant recognition internationally.ย
Ardex is well established with a long history of testing and improvement, and customer driven feature enhancement. This guide will introduce you to the system and gives an overview of the most commonly used features in the application.ย
For more comprehensive information on using the software features outlined in this guide, please refer to the following user guides available from Ardex Technology:
Horse Ownership
Agistment & Training
Recording Procedures
Managing Accounts Receivable
Managing Accounts Payable
Month End Process
Bank Reconciliations
Owner Communications
Bulk Journal Transactions
Reallocating Transactions
Ardex Mail Merge
GST & BAS Reporting
Ardex Mobile Procedures
Ardex Today Web Services
All guides listed can be provided quickly and easily in PDF format by e-mail on request, or accessed via this website. This getting started guide is intended to act as an overview of the software only.