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Paying a Supplier

Recording Payments to Trade Creditors

Cameron Higgins avatar
Written by Cameron Higgins
Updated over 5 years ago

It is very important to record all supplier payments made as soon as possible to avoid the danger of paying the same supplier invoice twice. To record a payment to a Supplier in Ardex select Finance at the bottom left then select the “Payments” function.

In the payments screen it is important to enter the following information:

Note that GST paid to a supplier should only be recorded in your accounting system once. Since GST is recorded at the time you enter a supplier invoice to Ardex through “Expenses” GST should not be recorded a second time when you make a payment to a supplier. Therefore you should leave the Tax code in the Payments window set to “Non” unless advised otherwise by your accountant.

As noted above, if you make a payment to a supplier and do not have an unpaid supplier invoice to apply the payment against, you may select the Creditors Loan Account and then apply the payment at a later date. Otherwise apply the payment against invoices in the system by clicking in the “Applied” box next to invoices paid. Click the “Add” button to record the supplier payment.

It is best to create a bank account in Ardex to represent any account from which a supplier payment may be made. In addition to ordinary bank accounts, your business may have credit cards and a cash drawer from which funds may be paid out to suppliers. Always take care to select the correct account for each supplier payment to make your bank reconciliations easier.

Note that amounts allocated to the Creditors Loan Account can be applied to open supplier invoices at a later date through the Adjustments function described in the Supplier Credits section of this support note. The only difference being that instead of choosing an expense account for allocation, you select the creditors loan account.

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