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Technical Support

Accessing Technical Support for Ardex Premier

Cameron Higgins avatar
Written by Cameron Higgins
Updated over 4 months ago

Ardex Premier is a subscription based service, and subscribing to the application entitles users to technical support during business hours.

Ardex Technical Support - Ph (612) 9229 4700

Normally on receiving a technical support call, Ardex support staff will open a daily copy of your company database, which is a backup of your database made approximately 24 hours ago. Support staff will be able to see all changes and entries to your database up to 24 hours prior to your support call, and experiment with changing things in your database to fix problems, without affecting your live business data.

A support representative may sometimes ask you to send a screenshot of an error or issue you are experiencing. To do this:

  1. Perform those steps in Ardex that led up to the error or issue

  2. When the problem occurs on screen (eg an error message displays) press the Print Screen button at the top right of your keyboard

  3. Open a new e-mail message, click to put the cursor into the main body of the message and press Ctrl-V on your keyboard to paste in the screenshot image (or right click > paste)

  4. Email the screenshot to the address provided by the support representative

In some cases Ardex Technical Support may need to connect to you to view or make changes to your Ardex application directly. There are two main methods of connection.

Webex Support

  • You will be requested to go to the Help menu in Ardex and choose Join a Support Session

  • Your web browser will open up to and you will need to click Join

  • A Pre-Session Form will display, enter name and e-mail address details and the Support Session Number provided by your support representative

  • Click Submit and choose Yes, OK, Run or Install to prompts which display after that (dependant on your PC security settings)

Note: Microsoft Internet Explorer is our preferred web browser for Webex sessions, as generally explorer will enable the session to start more quickly than other browsers, with less (or no) plug-in installs required.

Ardex Remote

If you connect to your Ardex database via the Ardex Remote service (Ardex software is not installed to your PC but runs on the Ardex server, and you log in to use it) then please notify the support representative of this fact and they will be able to connect to your session and view/fix your Ardex issue quickly and easily, without using Webex.

If to enter Ardex Premier you click a small blue computer screen icon on your desktop (known as the Remote Desktop Connection tool) then you are an Ardex Remote user.

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