Open the AppStore on your Mac
In the top left, perform a search for Remote DesktopThe Search box may be in the top-right in older versions of MacOS
In the results, locate Microsoft Remote Desktop 10 (important – not version 8)
Click Get
Enter your Apple ID password if requested
When downloaded, run the Remote Desktop app
Click Add Desktop
PC Name: Enter
User Account: Click the drop-down menu and select Add User Account
Username: ardexremote\yourusernameNote – use the Back-slash – above the enter key
Enter your password provided by Ardex
Friendly Name: This is optional. This can be anything. This will name your Ardex Remote connection in the Remote Desktop app
Click Add
Back on the setup window, Click Devices and Audio
Tick Printers
Change Play Sound to Never
The final step is to include a folder on your computer for sharing data between your Mac and the Ardex Remote session;
Click Folders
Click the box next to Redirect folders
Click + in the bottom-left
You will be prompted to select a folder on your computer hard disk
Created a new folder (i.e. Ardex), or select an existing folder that you can easily locate
The path to your selected folder will be displayed
Click Save
When you next connect to Ardex, the folder on your computer will be represented in Windows File Explorer under This Computer
When saving a document, click the folder in the left-pane
Any files saved to this folder will be transferred to the corresponding folder on your computer
Click Add
Double-click the newly created Desktop to login