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All CollectionsReallocating Transactions
Reallocating Transactions Introduction
Reallocating Transactions Introduction
Cameron Higgins avatar
Written by Cameron Higgins
Updated over a week ago


From time to time a client may contact your business and advise that they believe they have been charged in error for services provided to a horse that they no longer own, or never owned, or they may indicate that their ownership share has been recorded incorrectly. Normally the client will request that a credit be applied to their account to reverse out the incorrect charges.

If your business agrees that the transactions in question should have been charged to another owner, then it becomes necessary to Reallocate the charges. Ardex Premier incorporates some excellent features designed to make reallocating transactions from one owner to another straightforward, fast and reliable. Transaction reallocations and credits display clearly on owner statements issued, and corresponding accounting entries are created automatically.

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