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Test devices in real world conditions by configuring a wide variety of environmental sensors and controls.

avhsupport avatar
Written by avhsupport
Updated over a week ago


We’ve added new realism to our virtual devices with an array of new environmental sensors. While you can't hold a cloud device in your hands, you can still make the device behave as if you can.

  • Configure the ambient light level (in lux)

  • Configure the atmospheric pressure (in hectopascals)

  • Configure the temperature (degrees Celsius) and humidity (% RH)

  • Simulate presence of objects in front of a proximity sensor (distance in millimeters)

Motion and Position

Simulate your device in motion as it moves around the virtual world.

  • Set instantaneous accelerometer readings readings (3-axis, in meters/second^2)

  • Set instantaneous gyroscope readings (3-axis, in radians/second)

  • Set instantaneous magnetic compass readings (3-axis, in microteslas)

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