Confused about what fields affect your store's rankings in Search Engines? We've got a quick guide to cover the most important fields and how these can affect your previous, current or future rankings in the returned results. Also, at the bottom of this article, we tell you where in the application to find all of our SEO fields.
Please Note: Technical support cannot answer questions about Marketing or SEO, and cannot assist with questions about this article. This overview is a courtesy of our marketing team, but if you would like individual coaching or a more in-depth assessment of your website, we offer various Marketing and SEO services provided by an Art Storefronts expert.
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We have curated some of the latest data on the most important indicators that have been selected by Google as significant flags to boost your rankings. Below we will outline these indicators, and how to access them in the Site Manager:
According to a 2015 survey conducted by (one of the leading online SEO and Marketing Firms), the following indicators have been ranked by the levels of influence, on a scale of 1 (not influential) to 10 (very influential) they have on SEO and rankings:
The above data was surveyed from the industries top 150 SEO experts, and is updated every 2 years to keep up with current SEO trends.
So after looking at all the data, you may be thinking "Well, this is great, but what does all of that mean??"
First, lets talk about the obvious:
SEO is important, and should never be ignored, or left blank.
If there was anything we could impart upon you: the above statement is the most important piece of information you will ever need to know about SEO.
With that being said, we want to make sure that you know how to access every single SEO field in the platform. Below is a list of how to get to every field, and how to access it:
Now that you've got a basic understanding of the different SEO indicators and where you can fill them in, we'll move on to our next lesson, Keyword Research and Why It's Important.