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How To: Set Up a Live Art Show Landing Page
How To: Set Up a Live Art Show Landing Page
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 12 months ago

Our Live Art Show Store is the perfect page to showcase and sell your artwork during a Live Art Show. With our easy-to-use store interface, you can display your pieces in a way that truly captures their essence and attracts potential buyers. Whether you're an established artist or just starting out, our Live Art Show Store provides an excellent opportunity create a landing page for your show and facilitate your sales. And with our Live Art Show Playbook, you'll have all the tools you need to create an engaging and successful Live Art Show, step by step

How To Set Up The Page?

1. Okay, let's get started! The first thing we need to do is create a Store where we can showcase all of the pieces you'll be featuring in your live art show. This store is where you'll send all the traffic during the event, and it's how customers will be able to easily purchase your artwork.

While in your Site Manager, make sure you are on the Pages tab and then click on +Add Page button


2. Type in the name for your Live Art Show page, in this example we will use 'Live Art Show September'.


3. Make sure that for the Type of Page you select Store, and then click on Create


4. Okay, it's time to select the type of store you want to create. When you're creating a store page, you'll be asked what type of store you want to create. In this case, you'll want to select "Live Art Show Store". Once you've selected this option, click on "Create" again.


5. Now we can start uploading images for products. We can do this either by clicking on + Add Products button or by dragging and dropping images. If you have your live art show images organized in a folder, you can also drag and drop an entire folder here, and products will be created.


6.Once you've finished uploading your images to your Live Art Show Store, your products will be generated below. You'll see that they're automatically numbered in the order that they were uploaded, which makes it easy to keep track of everything.


7. If you wish to reorder the images, you can simply do that by dragging and dropping to change the their new position. The numbering will be automatically updated, and you will not need to change the number of pieces manually.

8. Take a few minutes to review your products and make sure everything looks good. You can edit each product's details, such as the title, description, quantity, and price, by clicking on the "Edit" button.


9. In the Info tab of the product you can change the Name of the product. There is no need to add the number of the product in the name, since the number is already being automatically calculated by the platform.


10. Next, you will add the Price. Please keep in mind that you need to bake the cost of the shipping into the cost of the Product.


11. The Quantity will default to 1, since these are usually individual pieces.


12. Next, you will add a short description for the product. Since all products and their descriptions will be displayed on the live art show page, try to keep this description concise.


13. Once you are done editing the product, make sure to click on the blue Save button at the bottom right corner.


14. Let's go back to the Store, to finish the setup of the Live Art Show landing page. To go back to the store from the product page, simply click on the name of the store at the top of the page.


15. Once you are back in the Store, you will want to click on the Info tab


16. Here you can choose if you want to have this page visible in the navigation menu on your website by setting the Appears in Navigation Menu toggle to Yes or No.


17. If you have a special logo for your live art show, you can upload it here. Just click on the "Upload Logo" button and select the image file from your computer. If you don't have a special logo and want to use your standard logo instead, there's no need to upload anything here. The page will automatically display your standard logo by default, unless you upload a different logo for your live art show.


18. Once the Live Art Show is over, you will can easily add the embed code for the video into the Video Embedded Code. This will display the video of the Live Art Show on the page, so when you email you contacts list after the show with any remaining pieces that are still available for purchase, the show video will be a nice touch on that page.


19. Here you can also update the Name of the Live Art Show


20. The Number Of Columns will default to 3, though you can change that to 2.


21. By default, we've added the Lead Content to your page that welcomes your customers to the Live Art Show, and makes an introduction to the art pieces on sale. You can update this content, though for anyone who is new to running Live Art Shows, we recommend leaving the default text.


22. If there is something you would like to add to the very bottom of the page, you can do that in the Ending Content - Store Page field.


23. Don't forget to click on Save


24. Now, let's click on Preview Site to see what this Live Art Show page looks like when visitors land on it.

To get the URL of your Live Art Show Store page that you can share with your followers, make sure to use the "View site on a Custom Domain" option, and then copy the URL from your browser.


25. Lastly, you will want to make sure that your shipping methods are set up correctly for items where the cost of the shipping is included into the cost of the item, like is the case with our Live Art Show Products. To do this, use the Jump To menu and navigate to the Shipping Methods


26. Click on the name of the shipping method. If you have multiple shipping methods, you will want to repeat the following steps for all of them.


27. Scroll down until you see the Amount By Cart Subtotal setting, or if you are using shipping my weight, then find the Amount By Weight, as the process is the same.

In order for this to function correctly you will need to make sure your shipping methods have a "0" cart subtotal option or a "0" weight option with a $0 price associated with it, depending on which method your shipping method uses to calculate the costs.


28. Lastly, don't forget to click on the Update button at the bottom right corner


Once you've set up your shipping methods, you're all set! Your Live Art Show Store is now fully configured and ready to start selling your amazing artwork. Good luck with your live art show!

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