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[Self-Fulfillment] How To: Upload Images to an Art Print Store and Display Them on The Site
[Self-Fulfillment] How To: Upload Images to an Art Print Store and Display Them on The Site
Jovana T avatar
Written by Jovana T
Updated over 12 months ago

As you are moving through the site setup process, you will get to the point where you'd like to upload your products on your site and make them available for purchase. Below you will find instructions on how to create products that are fulfilled by you.

Every image you upload here will become a new product on your website, and as such, will automatically have all of the Media Types, Style Finishers and Frame Options you created applied to it. Below, you will find detailed walkthrough into creating products in your Art Print Store.

      1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Site Manager and click on the Art Print Store you want to upload images into. Usually they are located in the Stand Alone Pages section. Today, we will be working in the Art Print Store titled Warehouse - Open Edition Prints.

      2. You’ll be taken to a new page where you will need to make sure you are on the tab labeled Products. This is where you’ll see the option to upload your images.

      3. Once you’ve made sure you’re on the tab labeled Products, you’ll need to locate and click the button labeled +Add Products. This button will allow you the ability to upload images into your Art Print Store. Alternatively, you can use the Drag & Drop feature to drag images directly from your Computer or Mac.

      4. If you select +Add Products option, a new window will appear that allows you to find the images you want to upload. In this window, click on the image you want to upload into your Art Print Store.
        You can also select multiple images by holding down the Control (Ctrl) key on a Windows Machine, or Command key, on Apple MAC.

        Although there is no real limitation to the number of products you can select here, for convenience reasons we'd suggest not selecting more that 3-5 products at once.

      5. Once you’ve selected the image (or images) you want to upload, you’ll need to click on the button labeled Open.

      6. Your screen will then dim and you will be shown the progress of the image you chose to upload to your Art Print Store.


        Troubleshooting and potential errors:
        A common error seen in this process would be to have your "Processing" stage spin endlessly. This usually happens for 2 reasons: Either the image file you are attempting to upload has exceeded the maximum Megapixel (resolution) limit of 200 MP, or on the other hand, the image file has a special character in the name, that the system has trouble understanding. Downsizing or re-naming the file should fix these errors and allow you a seamless upload of your file

      7. Once the image (or images) has finished uploading and processing, you can scroll down your page and you will see that the image has been uploaded and is ready for use on your website.

      8. In order to see and edit the details of the product, such as Info tab, sizes, available media, and others, please click on EDIT option located right above the image.

      9. This will take you to the back end of the product, where you can edit the basic info, select available media, styles and add available sizes.

      10. To add Available Sizes, simply click on the Available Sizes tab, and enter the sizes in in the Available Sizes field. Make sure sizes entered are in Width x Height format.

      11. Once your products are ready, it is now time to display them on your website for your customers to see and purchase.

How to: Display the Image on your website

Art Print Store and Standard Store pages are designed to be Standalone background pages that are not shown directly on your website. They are warehouses of your website where you will store your products and high resolution images.

To present your products, you'll want to use Product Gallery pages instead. Displaying products from your Store page to your Product Gallery is rather simple, and can be done by following these steps:

1. Still in the Warehouse, scroll down until you see your products. There is a a section that reads Display Selected On Your Website.


2. Please select the product you want to display then click on Go just below Display Selected On Your Website.


3. A pop-up will show displaying your Galleries


4. Next to each gallery, there are links that

  • Quick Edit - This will pop up a small window that will allow you to change your gallery's name

  • Edit - This will open a new tab on your browser where you can edit the gallery properties

  • View - This will open a new window on your browser showing your gallery as seen on your live site


5. Please select the Galleries that you'd like to display on then click on Update.


Your images will now appear on your live website.

What do I do next?

Since you got all your images uploaded, now's the time to start working on your media types! Figure out which mediums you want to offer and those that you don't want to offer. For more information, check out our video, How To: Enable and Disable Mediums in an Art Print Store

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