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How To: Select A Theme for Your Website
How To: Select A Theme for Your Website
Samuel Gichuhi avatar
Written by Samuel Gichuhi
Updated over 7 months ago

On the Art Storefronts platform, we provide a number of pre-made theme templates for you to use. These are all created under guidance of our Marketing Team, and are set up according to our best practices. This means that they have a fine balance between visual appeal of the site, and functionality and ease of use for your site visitors.

The site will also allow you to create an identical copy of the pre-made template, which you will be able to edit using customized HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. Keep in mind that using a Copied Theme waives your ability to use our built in Theme Editor. Also, Art Storefronts Technical Support will not be able to write, troubleshoot or correct any custom code you implement on your end.

Note: By default, your new site will already have the Sleek 2.0 theme enabled, which is one of the most popular. It's not necessary to change your theme if you're happy with the way your site appears right now, and you can always come back and change it later without it affecting any content or site functionality.

Note: Theme version 1.0 is not going to be supported any longer. We highly recommend you to use 2.0 and 3.0 theme versions.

Instructions below will walk you through the process of selecting a Theme for your website. Let's get started:

Activating a Theme Template on your Website

  1. Log in to your Art Storefronts Site Manager and click on the tab labeled Theme.


  2. This will take you to the Theme Section. Here, you will see several Theme templates which you can preview, activate or copy. ​


  3. First up, we need to select the Theme Version we want to use.

    1.0 Themes Are the oldest and not supported any longer. We highly recommend you to use either 2.0 or 3.0 versions.
    2.0 Themes are newer and contain all of the necessary features for smooth functionality.
    3.0 Themes are our latest Theme designs. They follow the latest Marketing and Design standards and also have our latest features such as Advanced Filters. To learn more about our Advanced Filters, please see our How To: Use Advanced Filters

  4. For the purposes of this tutorial, we'll go with 3.0 Theme version. Once we select 3.0 from the dropdown, we need to hit the RELOAD button


  5. Once you do, you will see all of the 3.0 Theme Templates that are available. Under each of them, you'll see options to Activate, Edit and Copy. Clicking on the Activate will activate the selected Theme on your website. If you'd like to see how a Theme looks like before activating, all you need to do is hover your cursor over the Theme Options, and select PREVIEW


    This will open a test website with a selected Theme activated. Here, you can look around and get the feel for the theme before applying it on your own website.


  6. Once you select a Theme you like, all you need to do is click on the Activate button. This will apply the selected Theme Template to your website.


Copying a Theme for additional edits via custom HTML, CSS or JavaScript code

  1. Right next to the Activate button, you will find EDIT. This option will take you to another page where you have the ability to make CSS changes.


  2. Next you will see a button labeled Copy (Advanced). If you click on this button, a copy of your theme will be made and activated. If you wish to use and modify a theme you should only use this option if you can code or have hired someone to do this for you. The new Theme will appear in the YOUR THEMES section.


  3. By clicking on the "Edit" button, you will be led to a page where you can enter in your custom code.


To best assist all of our community members, it's important to note that ASF Technical Support will be unable to assist you with editing, troubleshooting, creating, or adding in additional custom code to your Theme Templates. By inserting custom coding, ASF does not guarantee there will not be uninterrupted site functionality upon site wide updates. Custom coding while available as a resource, is done at the users discretion.

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