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Feature Overview: Wall Preview
Hazel Dulay avatar
Written by Hazel Dulay
Updated over 6 months ago

The wall preview tool is a powerful feature that allows customers to visualize your art in common areas such as living rooms, cafes and even bedrooms.

It’s a simulator that allows your customer to get a sense of scale and allows them to experiment with various functions of this feature

Table Of Contents

Wall Preview Functions

When a customer navigates to your website and sees the option for Wall Preview they can click on it and select the room that fits their vision. The piece and size they’ve chosen will appear in the image and they can even go in to change the wall colors to get an even better idea of what your art will look like in their home.

Using our Wall Preview tool, your customer can preview:

  • Their preferred room for the art preview

  • A realistic look and feel of the material chosen on the product page

  • A realistic look and feel of various frames and style options activated on your product

  • Different sizes for that product to fit their needs

  • Different wall colors to match their desired outcome

Please note: This feature is only available to members with Silver and Gold Plans

How to turn on/off the Wall Preview Feature

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your Site Manager, and select your preferred store. This feature works for both Standard and Art Print Stores. For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll use an Art Print Store labeled Warehouse - Open Edition Prints.


  2. The Art Print Store will load up and you need to make sure you find the tab labeled INFO and click on it.


  3. Scroll down till you find a field labeled Display Wall Preview Tool?. Switching this on will ensure that the Wall Preview feature will be activated in all products stored in that particular store.


Multiple Wall Preview Sizes for Limited Editions and Multi-panel products

  1. Make sure you are logged in to your Site Manager, and select your preferred Standard Store. For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll use an Art Print Store labeled Warehouse - Originals, Limited Editions & Standard Products



  2. Scroll down to the product you want to use and click on Edit. For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll use a product named Galaxy Limited Edition.


  3. You’ll be taken to a new page with your product details. Here, we’ll need to scroll down a bit until we see the field labeled Wall Preview Size - Options & Controls.


  4. Under Quantity Of Wall Preview Sizes, please choose Multiple Sizes.


  5. Right after this field, you will see a field named Multiple Sizes From Product Option Category. This contains a drop-down with your current Product Options.


  6. Please select your intended product option and don't forget to Save.


    Please Note: In order to use this, you must do the following:

    1. Create or have existing Product Option Categories. Please learn how to do so here: How To: Create Product Options (i.e. size or color options) For Items In A Standard Store

    2. The Product Option must either be a Dropdown Menu or Radio Buttons.

    3. It must also contain your sizes as options, and these sizes must be in width x height format, with no other characters present. For example: 16x20 and not 16in x 20in. These values also need to be whole numbers so 15.5x20.2 will not work but a simple 16x20 will work.

    4. Activate this Product Option Category for this product. You do this by going to the "Product Options" tab on this page, check the appropriate check box for this new Product Option Category, and save the page


  7. Once your product is saved, you can click on the Preview Site button to view the customer facing side of your product.


  8. You can preview your product and test your Wall Preview feature to see if the Wall Preview sizes are changing as desired.

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