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How to import contacts
Yujia Zheng avatar
Written by Yujia Zheng
Updated over a week ago

Video tutorial linked HERE.

Step 1: In the bottom-left corner, select the circle with your initials > Import/Export.

Step 2: go to Import Contacts. You can watch the tutorial and download the import template from the top of this page.

Step 3: Follow the template to fill out your spreadsheet.


1. You don't need to fill out every column, you can leave some of them blank or delete them from the spreadsheet.

2. The order of the columns can be changed.

3. Please make sure the headers on your spreadsheet are formatted with the same lowercase and underscore as the template.

4. The only fields that allow multiple entries are tags and roles. You can separate each entry by comma. The other fields, such as email and assigned to list, do not allow multiple entries.

5. The spreadsheet needs to be in CSV format.

6. There should be no more than 2,000 contacts on each spreadsheet. If you have more than that, we suggest you break it down into two spreadsheets.

Step 4: Upload your file by selecting Upload Spreadsheet

Step 5: If you need to upload more spreadsheets in the future, please note that we identify unique contacts by email address. If the email already exists in your ARTERNAL account, when you import it again, it will update the existing contact record, instead of creating a duplicate record.

If you need any help formatting your spreadsheet, please feel free to reach out to!

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