When you log into your gallery space, you will find on your homepage the latest requests from clients as well as the suggestions we offer to improve your catalogue and boost your sales.
From the Artsper website, collectors have the possibility to make different types of requests:
Available copy: for multiple editions
Additional visuals: frame, signature, back, edge, detail
3 click options:
Accept ✅
By clicking on accept, the client receives an email informing them that their request has been processed. It is therefore important that you add the requested images or add a copy of the work.Decline ❌
Decline a copy request if you no longer have any available. Decline a visual request if you have no other photos. Decline to share the price. The client as well as the support team will be notified by email.Ignore 🚫
And the notification will reappear in 15 days.
In the case of an expired request, i.e. left without response after 30 days, the purchaser and the Support team will also be notified of the non-response.
Artsper's suggestions are listed here to help you optimize your sales.
Each piece of advice is triggered according to different conditions and suggests an action to be taken accordingly.
2 categories of advice
1. Encouragement to publish new works
Increase stocks
This advice is triggered if one of your artists:
Has already made sales on Artsper > 800€.
Appears in several wishlists or carts
Has numerous followers
Has ≤ 10 active works
Artists with strong potential
Triggered when an artist is considered promising on Artsper on which it is necessary to capitalize. Concerned artists have:
Has sold for a high amount of money in the last years
Has a lot of collectors who follow his activity
Has at least 10 additions to baskets and 50 additions to favorites over the last few weeks
Artists to reactivate
Triggered if:
The artist has already sold.
Has no work published for ≥ 3 months.
2. Encouragement to apply promotions
Private offers on sought-after works
Recommends creating a new private offer for a work if:
The work appears in ≥ 1 cart OR ≥ 5 wishlists.
No private offer has been created in the last 21 days.
Price > 800€
Promote popular works with best deals
The works concerned:
Price < 800 €
Work eligible for promotion.
Work that has not had a best deal in the last 21 days.