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ASO Creator

A handy tool that allows you to optimize your application page dozens of times faster.

Sergey avatar
Автор: Sergey
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How can ASO Creator help you?

With ASO Creator, you can quickly create metadata using as many keywords as possible. Watch video.

Detailed overview of ASO Creator features

ASO Creator is in the ASO section - Creation ASO.

You will be working with the selected application in the menu at the top. If you do not have an app in the market yet, you can add any other app and create metadata for your future one.

Select your platform (iOS apps only) and country to get started.

Keyword table

On the left, in the "keywords" tab, there is a table with keywords added to the Keyword Monitor in that country (keywords in Keyword Monitor are synchronized with ASO Creator's keywords table).

Based on these keywords, you can optimize your app page.

If you have not added anything to Keyword Monitor, you can click the "Add keywords" button to add keywords manually or "Add auto-suggestions" to add the keywords that ASOMobile system found for you.

After adding keywords, at any time you can click on the "+" in the upper right corner to add new keywords to the current list of keywords. And by clicking on the "lightning", you can add auto-suggestions at any time.

Filter. By clicking on the filter button, you can filter search queries by the word you are interested in, traffic, complexity, efficiency, Search Ads, app position, app quantity. Filters are applied online.

Fields for changing metadata

On the right, you have fields that you need to fill in to optimize your app page.

When you visit the page for the first time, you see the current description of the selected app on the App Store or Google Play.

You can change the description of each field and create new metadata.

As soon as you enter a keyword in any available field on the right, it will be highlighted in blue in your search query table on the left.

Thus, ASO Creator will help you not to miss the search queries in the metadata (you will see which keywords have already been used in your metadata - they are highlighted in blue in the "Keywords" list on the left).

Don't be afraid to refresh the page or switch to a different tool - all your changes will be saved.

"Unique Words" Tab

The "Unique Words" tab will help you use each key on the app page.

Splitting search queries into individual unique words is useful for composing metadata (especially on the App Store, where there is no need to duplicate words).

You can copy unique words by clicking on the "Copy all words" button.

If in the "keywords" tab you can select the search queries with the highest traffic, then in the "unique words" tab you can select the queries that are repeated more often in your semantic core.

Keywords will be highlighted in the "Unique Words" table as soon as you enter them in any field on the right. This will help you find the words that you missed when composing the metadata easily.

Locales (only for iOS apps)

Fill in not one localization, but 2 or 3 at once.

You can switch between locales above the fields for filling in metadata.

Indeed, several localizations are often indexed in the App Store in one country. You can see the table of countries and localizations in the App Store localization tool (in the ASO section). More information is here.

Keywords from the three localizations will be highlighted in the "Keywords" table. Words used in the 1st locale will be highlighted in blue; light blue in the 2nd locale; and yellow in the 3rd locale.

If the word is used in several locales at the same time, it will be highlighted in red.

! Repeating keywords in metadata is not a mistake.

Create metadata in multiple localizations at once! All data is synchronized between all localizations and "Keywords" and "Unique words" lists.

Keyword generation (only for iOS apps)

To create a list of keywords on the App Store automatically - click the "Generate Keywords" button.

Keywords will be generated according to all App Store rules: words will be written separately, separated by commas, WITHOUT a space. Also, words that are already spelled out in other fields (for example, in the title) will not be added.

The list in the "keywords" field will be generated from your semantic core.

* If you have NOT created a list of keywords (left) or all keywords have already been used in the metadata, you will NOT be able to generate keywords.

Convenient features

  • The progress bar above the metadata fields will allow you to keep track of the number of keywords used.

  • Click on a keyword in the table on the left to copy it to your clipboard.

  • Checking keywords for direct entry (Android apps only)
    Direct entry of a key phrase implies its use unchanged (without declension, conjugation, rearranging words, etc.). Use the most important keywords in direct entry to stimulate Google Play to index it faster.

  • Duplicate words are highlighted in red (iOS apps only)

Duplicate keywords are highlighted in all three locales: even if you used a keyword in different locales, it will be highlighted in red.

! Repeating keywords in metadata is not a mistake.

But since it is desirable not to duplicate keywords on the App Store, we highlight duplicate keywords in your metadata for you to notice. If you have repeated a keyword deliberately, ignore this suggestion.

  • Compare the new title/subtitle with the current one in the market.

  • Below each field, you will find optimization suggestions. Follow them to create the perfect metadata!

  • The progress bar on the use of symbols. The App Store and Google Play have their own restrictions on the use of symbols. If you exceed the allowed number of characters, we will warn you about this.

  • You can copy the text of each field. Also, you can easily clear each field by clicking the cross.

  • Look at the TOP of search results for a keyword in 1 click (the icon to the left of the keyword).

  • The tool for grouping search queries

    Create groups of keywords by highlighting them with a specific color.

    To create a group, go to groups and select "Add new group".

    Enter the name of the group, select a color and click "+". Here you can also edit the current groups.

    Assign one of the groups to the keyword.

    Select the desired group(s) in the toolbar and your keywords will be sorted. To see the entire list, select "All Groups".

  • Use keyword translation to work with different languages.

  • You can easily export the finished text to a file by clicking the "Download Metadata" button or copy the created metadata.

Useful Resources

Optimize your app quickly and easily with ASOMobile 💙

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