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Create and Edit Tickets Using Email
Create and Edit Tickets Using Email
Toshi Dávila avatar
Written by Toshi Dávila
Updated over 3 months ago

The Email to Tickets Gateway provides three features:

  • Ability to create new tickets using emails

  • Ability to comment on tickets using emails

  • Ability to edit tickets using emails

If you would like to control who to allow emails from, you can easily do so by going to your Space’s Tickets Settings > Email to Tickets. By default, only members of the space can send emails.

Note: When attaching a file to an email to add to either a new or existing ticket, a 15Mb limit exists on files attached per email.

Creating new tickets using emails

To create a new ticket, you can send an email to <space-url-name> You can find your Space-specific email at Tickets Settings > Email to Tickets.

The subject of your email becomes the ticket title, and the content of your email becomes the ticket description. If you want to provide specific values to your ticket fields (including custom ticket fields), use the following syntax in the email body:

<ticket field name>: <value of field>

  • The Priority field accepts the following values: 1 - 5 (1 as the highest priority).

  • The Permission type field accepts the following values: 0 (No permission) , 1 (Private), 2 (Public).

  • The Assigned to field can only accept a user's username. To change this field, the relevant line in the email should read as follows: Assigned to: amandap

    For example,

    Send to:
    Subject: Ticket created via email
    Email Body: Status: New
    Priority: 1
    Permission type: 1
    Description: How cool is it?
    Milestone: Current milestone

    A single dot on its own line after the Description indicator marks an end. This ensures that any subsequent text in the ticket description is not included, such as an email signature. The same applies to the Comment field when editing a ticket.

Adding comments to a ticket using emails

You can add a comment to tickets using emails in two ways:

  1. Reply to a ticket email alert.

  2. Send an email to "<space-url-name>+<ticket-number>".

Reminder: Don't forget to add a single dot at the end of your email to ensure subsequent texts (like email signatures) are not included.

Editing existing tickets using emails

You can edit existing tickets using emails in the same two ways mentioned in the Add comments to a ticket using emails section.

  1. Replying directly to the ticket email alert with ticket fields and corresponding ticket values that you would like to update.

  2. Send an email to "<space-url-name>+<ticket-number>" with ticket fields and corresponding ticket values that you would like to update.

For example,

Send to:
Email Body:Status: Duplicado
Priority: Low
Comment:Editing ticket via email.

The example email above results in the following ticket where:

  • Ticket status changed to Duplicate.

  • Priority changed to Low.

  • The comment Editing ticket via email was made.

If you have any questions or need assistance, please email us at

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