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Troubleshooting the Jira Software integration
Troubleshooting the Jira Software integration

Solving some common problems when using the Atlas for Jira Cloud app.

Vernon Laquindanum avatar
Written by Vernon Laquindanum
Updated over a week ago

The Atlas for Jira Cloud app relies on third-party cookies to pass information back and forth between the two products. We’re working on a more seamless way to enable the integration, but until then, we’ll need third-party cookies to make the integration work.

Instead of instructing you to enable all third-party cookies, the instructions below are optimized to allow cookies for Atlassian sites only. This gives you more control over what data is shared while enabling Atlas and Jira to work.

How to enable third-party cookies

Browsers are always making improvements and moving things around, so these instructions may become out of date. Always consult your browser’s own help resources for the most up-to-date way to enable third-party cookies.

Google Chrome

For Google Chrome, you can enable embedded content instead of enabling third-party cookies:

  1. Select the lock icon in the address bar.

  2. Select the toggle next to Embedded content to allow your Atlassian account to be used within the site.

    Site options menu shown when clicking the "lock icon" in the browser address bar
  3. Refresh the page.

Microsoft Edge

  1. Select the lock icon in the address bar.

  2. Select Cookies under Permissions for this site.

  3. Switch to the Blocked tab in the window that pops up, and select

  4. Select Allow and then Done.

  5. Refresh the page.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. In the search bar, enter Cookies and site data, and select Manage Exceptions.

  3. Type and press Allow.

  4. Select Save changes.

  5. Go back to Jira, and refresh the page.


  1. Open Settings.

  2. Switch to the Privacy tab and make sure that Prevent cross-site tracking is unselected.

  3. Close settings and refresh the page.

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