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Custom Factors

Create and manage custom emission factors for your organization.

Updated over 10 months ago

Create and manage custom emission factors for your organization.


Create a custom factor

  • Select the 'Add a factor' button.

  • Enter data for the following fields:




Enter a title.

Point type

Select the appropriate point type or resource.


Select the scope of which to classify the emissions.

Reporting category

Select the reporting category of which to classify the emissions.


Select the time range over which the factors should apply.


Select the unit for this point type or resource.


Choose to automatically calculate CO2e based on the inputs for other GHGs or enter a custom value.


Enter a value, expressed in the appropriate unit, for one or more greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, N2O, NOx, SO2.

Default factor

Select whether to use this custom factor as the default emission factor for all buildings that do not already have one assigned for this type and period.

Edit a custom factor

Custom factors can be edited individually, by selecting the carat to the right of the factor or in batch, by selecting multiple factors, navigating to the Actions dropdown, then Edit factor(s). Batch actions allow you to update the point type, unit, scope or reporting category.

If editing, the emission scope or reporting category, select the checkbox for Update scope and reporting category for all existing assignments? to apply the change where the factor is assigned.

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