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How to add your Own Audience data

Enrich your data analysis with your own audience data

Updated today

Upload your Own Audience Data

Uploading a .csv of data allows you to be able to easily segment your own audience, enrich your data analysis and generate interesting insights from your research.

When you add an “Own Audience” Audience, to survey your own customers, you now have the option to upload your own customer data.

1. Click “Import Own Audience Data”

  • You can upload a .csv or JSON file

  • Your file must contain headers in the first row

  • One of your columns must include unique IDs - see more on this in section 2 below.

  • You can’t upload any personal data or information that could identify an individual - more info in the FAQs.

2. Select unique field

Next you have to select the field in your file thats a unique ID.

If you choose to use the feature, Respondent ID will allow you to allocate a pseudonymised ID to your Own Audience respondent and the survey URL you'll send inviting them to participate in your survey. This will allow you - but not Attest - to identify the respondent and link their responses back to them.

You can choose anything you'd like as an identifier, provided it's pseudonymised and not something that could be too easily linked to the individuals (for example their names, email address, etc.). You could could use anything from 1 - 100 to a pseudonymised customer ID number you use within the business,

3. Setup the demographics you want to analyse later

Now you can select which attributes from your file you want to analyse later.

  • Add a name and data type for all the fields you want to analyse.

  • You can deselect any fields that aren’t relevant, and these won’t be imported.

  • If your file contains Age or Gender - you should type aGe or Gender in the name column and select the Attest version - This means that you will be able to compare Age and Gender of not only your own customers but also customers from Attest Panels!


1. Can I upload personal data?

In short, the only personal data you can upload is the Respondent IDs you allocate to your Own Audience respondents. We regard these as personal data as they are each linked to (and can be used to identify) a specific individual.

Save for Respondent IDs , we otherwise don't collect or support the collection of personal data (i.e. information that could identify an individual) from your respondents. You'll find more information on this here, see "What personal data is collected from survey respondents?" and at paragraph 4 of our Acceptable Use Policy.

If we detect any personal data other than Respondent IDs in your .csv or JSON (e.g. you've tried to upload names, email addresses, full dates of birth, etc.), you'll receive an alert. You should review the file you're trying to upload - where it does include any personal data e, you should remove it and re-upload an updated file.

2. How should my data be formatted?

Format your data in a table before importing to Attest. Make sure your table includes headings in the first row so we can detect your demographics. To make the process faster, put the Respondent ID data in the first column.

When uploading Age and Gender, be sure to upload in the following formats to be able to compare with Attest Panel data.

Age - Must be an whole number - e.g. 35

Gender - Must be Male, Female, or "any other gender".

3. Managing your data

You can always delete and remove any Own Audience data you upload to Attest.

You can also add more data if you wish to survey more customers in future waves or have more attributes you want to analyse.

How will Attest use the Own Audience data we upload?

In uploading the own audience data and survey content to our platform ("Own Audience Content"), you're allowing us to host and publish it on the Attest Platform.

Besides publishing the Own Audience Content to our Platform so you can share questions to respondents and/or review your results, it otherwise won't be shared outside of Attest except as required to provide our services (as set out in Attest’s Privacy Policy at “Service Providers”) or with your prior permission e.g. where you opt to participate in an Attest report, case study, etc.

Please see our Privacy Policy for further information on how data is managed and stored by Attest.

Can I delete my Own Audience data from the Attest Platform?

Yes - you can delete your imported data at any time by going to a survey, clicking “Manage data” then “Delete data”. If you want to delete data from a large number of surveys, please contact your Customer Success Manager and we can do this for you.

4. Can Attest integrate directly with my own CRM/other tool?

This isn't something we support at the moment, but if this is something you would like to do, please talk to your Customer Success Manager to discuss further.

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