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What’s new in the Attest dashboard?
What’s new in the Attest dashboard?

An overview of our latest releases and updates we’ve made to the platform

Updated over 2 months ago

Highlighted product updates

Build data stories with boards

9 January - Attest Boards is a new feature that transforms data into engaging, shareable stories. Save charts from your Results dashboard, customise them with brand colours, and add text fields to create impactful visuals. Apply filters or variables to explore demographics or segments. These dynamic Boards let you share insights clearly and effectively with internal and external stakeholders.

Preview your survey in full screen

13 November - Click the expand icon to preview your survey in full screen. We know it can be tricky to view all the details in a small format, so the preview will now open in a new tab where you can switch between audiences and questions in an easy-to-view format.

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All product updates

Our team is continuously working to improve the platform, launch new features, update existing feature and resolve any issues that you might be facing. Below you can find an overview of all our latest updates. If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to your Customer Success Manager or talk to us using the chat functionality.


  • 26 November - You can now get AI-powered summaries for qualitative responses! This will extract the key insights from any open text or video question, saving you hours of manual analysis time.


  • 17 October - You can now edit audiences between waves and choose to “ Not include” an audience in a wave and bring it back at a later stage.


  • 10 September - You can now fully customize your charts on the Attest dashboard by uploading your own custom theme! This allows you to seamlessly integrate your brand's colors into your charts and reflect your brand identity.

  • 24 September - We've added the ability to now customise which questions and cards show for each of your audiences. When you've added multiple audiences to a survey, use set display conditions to choose which audiences that questions shows for.


  • 8 August - We've added the ability to create segments using open text questions. Create a new segment, add your open text question and choose with key words you want to include or exclude in your segment.

  • 15 August - You can now duplicate and name your audiences. Making it easier to run monadic a/b tests, and compare your results in one dashboard!

  • 23 August - We've updated our PPT template to the Attest branding.

  • 30 August - You can now choose specific colours for your chart items to make them stand out more.


  • 12 July - You can now customise media , as well as the answers you show to users in different audiences, and compare your results all in your dashboard. Making it easier to account for all the nuances you need for your Multi-market research.

  • 24 July - We've merged the functionality of Analysis & Crosstabs into one Analysis page that allows you to visualise any data split as crosstabs or chart and see where there are statistical significant changes. You can also customize your charts more and choose from various colour palettes.


  • 19 June - You can now create Stacked Crosstabs and further split the data in your Crosstabs by an additional stacked variable. You can choose between waves, country, gender and age dependent on what is available for your survey.


  • 30 May - We’ve added the ability to now show specific answers to specific audiences, all in one overall study! This enables you to take in to account local market nuances whether it's different brands, behaviours, cultural differences etc. when adding answers to your survey – and you can analyse the regional results side-by-side in one dashboard!


  • 24 April - You can now choose between seeing the % based on the total sample or based on forwarded sample on all your results page. Simply click on the three dot menu at the top right of each page and select your option.


  • 27 March - We have 4 new templates to help you get started with your research:

    Pre-post Campaign Evaluation; Multiple Creatives / Concepts; Pitching to Retailers and Message testing.

  • 11 March - Use segments as filters across all of your results pages to discover deeper insights. You can combine multiple demographics and answers and use customer and/or/not logic.

  • 11 March - You can now save demographic segments to the library, making them available across all the surveys in your organisation. For example to create custom age ranges, or look at certain income bands.



  • 22 January - We’ve improved our segments functionality, to allow you to dive deeper into certain audiences. Next to demographics, single and multiple choice questions, you can now also use grid questions to define your segment. We've also added flexible AND/OR/NOT logic, so you can analyse results for specific groups of respondents in-platform.

  • 29 January - We've added more options to schedule your surveys. You can now schedule the same survey to launch daily, weekly, every 2 weeks; or in 1, 2, 3 or 6 months’ time.


  • 7 November - We've added statistical significance to the Crosstabs Excel export. You will now easily see which results are significantly higher (up arrow) or lower (down arrow) versus your chosen comparison column.


  • 3 October - Unlock deeper insights with Crosstabs. A new in-platform analysis tool that allows you to split and compare data for different demographics (age, gender, country..), discover significant differences between waves and analyse relationships between questions. This feature will replace the current Results Breakdown functionality.

  • 19 October - We’ve introduced Video Responses to Attest - a new way for you to do qualitative research in the product you already know and love! You’ll be able to collect videos from respondents in the US and UK (English), and gather even richer insight about what your consumers think.


  • 7 September - We’ve improved the export functionality, specifically for surveys with multiple waves or countries. You’ll be able to choose to export separate files or one consolidated file, which will include survey start date, response date, country and language, so that you can easily filter or pivot on the data. We’ve also improved the “question summaries” tab in the Wide Excel export, to give you an easy-to-use overview of all the aggregated results.


  • 26 July - To make sure your People page is clearer and easier to manage, you can now easily see who in your organization has been sent an invitation. And their invitations now expire after 14 days.

  • 10 July - We’ve released an update which disables the targeting of respondents under the age of 16 years old. This is to ensure that your research is at all times carried out in line with industry guidelines and best practice, which require that an identifiable, responsible adult provides permission in order for a child to participate in research. As we do not collect or allow the collection of PII through the Attest Platform, verifiable permission from an identifiable adult cannot be collected.


  • 14 June - You can now select your countries at the top of the results page (this used to be in the filter panel). You can see your aggregated results across all countries or results for individual countries.


  • 1 May - You can now see the total number of respondents that answered your question (excluding skips) in the "question details" section on your results dashboard.

  • 2 May - Applying a filter will now update your demographic information shows, so you can easily see what the demographics are of your selected group of respondents.

  • 30 May - We've moved Sentiment analysis. On your results dashboard you'll now have the option to see the sentiment analysis for any open text questions (only available for English surveys, send after 1/1/2021). This will now also update when you apply filters.


  • 4 April - We've added a new visualisation for NPS questions on the trends & analysis page. You can now choose to see your NPS score as a line chart or as a stacked column chart (with promotors, passives & detractors). This will be available for both trends & analysis.

  • 13 April - You can now tidy up your dashboard by deleting surveys. You can delete open or close surveys and find them in "deleted surveys" on your main survey page. You will also be able to restore your deleted surveys.

  • 18 April - Scheduled survey are now differentiated with clear statuses


  • 7 March - You can now restrict access to your surveys, along with their visibility in the dashboard. Simply click "share" and change the survey to "only people I invite".

  • 7 March - We’ve made it easier to analyse results for merged answers on the results dashboard! When you’ve merged answers together into a group, you can now easily access the results of the individual answers that are part of the group as well as the group.

  • 20 March - You can now easily copy the data for all your trends & analysis charts. Simply click on the "copy data" icon on the top right to copy the data to your clipboard and paste it to any other location (e.g. Excel) for further analysis or to create your own charts.

  • 21 March - Segments are now saved on an organization level! This means that if you create a segment in results breakdown, your colleagues can now access this too!

  • 24 March - We've added some popular age bands to our filter panel, so you can apply demographic filters more quickly


  • 16 February - You can now choose to visualize single choice questions as pie charts on the results dashboard. Click on the drop down next to "default view" and choose between column chart or pie chart.

  • 16 February - We’ve added the option to choose how you want to display your results for each question individually. Simply click the three dots on the top right of your question and see what your options are. You can choose how to display your data (values/percentages/both) and in what order (draft/results).

  • 28 February - We've made selecting your waves on the results dashboard easier. If you've send out your survey multiple times, you'll be able to choose which waves you want to analyse at the top of the results dashboard.


  • 10 January - You can now edit your qualifying question criteria on a live survey. Head to the Manage page and you'll be able to relax qualifying criteria to open up the sample to more respondents.

  • 26 January - We've made some improvements to the algorithm behind our automated text analysis. This feature is still labelled as "beta" which means we are still actively working on making it better and suitable for lots of different usecases. This recent change will especially improve the performance of the model for grouping brands together in e.g. unaided brand awareness questions. If you have any questions about this, don't hesitate to reach out to your customer support manager.

  • 27 January - Your charts on the results dashboard will now include the answer options "other", "none" & "N/A".

  • 30 January - We've made some changes to how can interact with your charts on the results dashboard. You can now hide an answer option from the chart by clicking on the answer label in the legend

December '22

  • 7 December - The results dashboard has had an update! These improvements are a first major step to ensure the analysis dashboard is easy to use and focused on helping you to discover insights, with added chart visualisations so you can choose how to view and present your data.

  • 12 December - We've added more functionality to answer filtering. You could already click on an answer and see how your respondents have responded to other questions, but now you will see the question itself update too! We've also added the option to filter on ranked questions, so you can now see how people who have ranked a particular answer high (first or second) ranked the other answer options.

You can find the full overview of our 2022 product updates here.

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