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Understanding each tab in your survey export
Understanding each tab in your survey export

Dive deeper into your results using the data map, master data sheet and other tabs included in your Excel export

Updated over a week ago

Downloading the results of your survey will let you dive even deeper and customise how you want to display your results; and where there's a lot of value, there's a little more to get your head around. This article will give you a tour around your spreadsheet and help you feel more at home.

Survey Summary

Here you can see some top level information about your survey, including survey titles, total respondents, total qualified respondents.

Data Map

This is the skeleton of your survey. You will see the draft order of your questions, and the corresponding response text to each. Be aware that if you have used routing, the question number as it appears to your respondents (and on the Attest dashboard) may not be the same as it is in the data map.

You can also see the response type: single choice, multiple choice, open text etc.

If you have included any grid questions, you will see a column titled subject which lists each category of your grid.

Response codes are important to understand if you want to further explore your data set. These take the following format:

Q#_R# for most question types, or Q#_S#_R# if you are looking at a grid question.
​Q# refers to the question number
​S# refers to the subject number of a grid question
​R# refers to the response options listed in the same order as your draft.

The responses column will display clearly which answer each response code actually means.

Master Data (Long export)

Here's where you will likely spend most of your time with your data export, this tab will be different for your wide and your long excel export. Let's discuss the long export first.

  • In column A you will see if the respondent is "qualified" or "disqualified" depending on whether or not you have included non-qualified respondents in your export.

  • Columns B-D contain the GUID (unique survey identifier, matching the URL of the survey in-platform), external and internal titles for your survey. These allow you to easily identify which survey results you are looking at, and are especially useful if you've pasted results from multiple surveys into a single Excel file as they can be used in a pivot table for comparing results from multiple surveys.

  • Columns E and F contain the country and language you selected to target in the survey editor.

  • In column H you'll see the Respondent ID , which is a randomly generated and unique identifier for each respondent. in each survey. This will allow you to identify the same respondent throughout your survey data set. Results are grouped by respondent, and you can see at what point the rows move from one respondent's answers to another as the respondent ID will be different.

  • Columns I onwards contain all the demographic details we have for each respondent, regardless of whether you have explicitly targeted those profiles we will provide you with all data we have available on each respondent who took your survey (hence why some columns may be less fully populated than others).

  • The question # displayed matches the question numbers listed in your results dashboard to allow you to easily switch between the dashboard and export, and to allow you to filter down to a single question in your export for a closer look.

  • Next to the question number, the full question is listed in every row to allow you to easily read every row of data, filter down to just a subset of questions and easily create pivot tables.

  • For grid questions, there will be a subject column too which includes the subject on which the respondent was answering in any grid questions asked.

  • The final column contains the respondent's chosen single or multiple choice answer, Net Promoter Score or verbatim answer to open text questions.

Master Data (Wide export)

  • In column A you will always see Respondent ID.

  • The following columns will include all demographic data - which you may or may not have targeted on. Also keep in mind that different markets may have different demographic data available.

  • You'll then start to see a lot of 1s and 0s, and some column headings you may recognise from the Data Map tab. Simply put:

    • A 0 means that the respondent did not select this answer.

    • A 1 means that the respondent did select this answer.

There will always be an option to show if a respondent has skipped the question.

  • If None was enabled as an answer to your question, there will also be a column to show whether it was selected or not.

  • Similarly, if N/A was enabled as an answer, there will be a column to show whether it was selected or not.

  • Finally, if Free text was enabled as an alternative response via selecting Other, you'll see a column Q#_R#_OE - with their custom response if present, or a 0 to indicate that Other was not selected.

Master Data - Values

This sheet is set up in the same way as Master Data except instead of 1 and 0 you will see the answer option, and blanks in place of 0s.

Question summaries

Here you will see a summary of the results for all your questions. You can easily use this tab to create different charts to visualise your data.

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