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Exporting results to PowerPoint

Downloading your survey results as a PPTX file to be opened in PowerPoint

Updated over a week ago

You can save time creating presentations from your survey by exporting the results of your survey straight to PowerPoint.

In the results dashboard, you can find the Export button at the top right of the page, next to Share. When you choose to export, you will have three different format options: Excel, CSV or PowerPoint.

If you have send out your survey multiple times, or to different countries, you can choose which file(s) you want to export, all of them or a specific date or country.

When you are happy with your selection you can click on Export and your PPTX file will be generated in a matter of seconds.

Please note, while PPTX files can be opened in Keynote, Google Slides and other tools, for optimised formatting please use PowerPoint.

You can also include slides which compare the full data set to a chosen segment, by applying demographic filters in the platform before you export. The details of the segment you have selected will be included in the notes section of the PowerPoint slides.

Once you open the file in PowerPoint you'll find a title slide containing your survey's internal and external title, and a link to return to the survey in-platform. You'll also find methodology details including the sample size and the date the survey was launched, plus the targeting for your survey.

Each slide then contains the data (the full data set, with or without comparisons to the segment filtered in-platform) from all the questions you selected to include represented in bar charts, or word clouds for open text questions, with room for you to add key takeaways for each graph and commentary on the conclusions drawn.

You can interact with the raw data by right clicking any graph, and clicking Edit Data in Excel. Changes made to the Excel spreadsheet will update the graph in the PowerPoint file.

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