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Exporting results as CSV

Downloading your survey results as a CSV file for importing your data into other analysis tools

Updated over a week ago

From your results dashboard we have now added the option to download the full data set to a CSV file, which can be uploaded into several different analysis tools such as Q* or SPSS.

In the results dashboard, you can find the Export button at the top right of the page, next to Share. When you choose to export, you will have three different format options: Excel, CSV or PowerPoint.

If you have send out your survey multiple times, or to different countries, you can choose which file you want to export. You can choose to export all, or only a specific date and/or country. You will also have the option to choose if you want to export this as one consolidated file, or as separate files.

Exporting non-qualified respondents

Our default option is to only export your qualified respondents, this means the respondents that have completed your full survey. If you do wish to include any non-qualifiers in your export, you can uncheck the checkbox.

CSV format

Your CSV file only consist of one tab with all responses.

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