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How to use stacked crosstabs for advanced analysis
How to use stacked crosstabs for advanced analysis

Discover what stacked crosstabs are and how you can use them for fast results analysis

Updated over a week ago


Crosstabs are mostly two-dimensional tables that allow you to split your data based on multiple variables and see if there are any significant differences. With our new stacked crosstabs option you can now add another layer to your crosstabs by adding a top-variable (e.g. country) that will further split your data. By leveraging stacked crosstabs, you can save time and uncover richer insights, particularly in multi-market or multi-wave research.

What Are Stacked Crosstabs?

Standard crosstabs allow you to split your data based on multiple variables (e.g., age, gender). Stacked crosstabs takes it one step further by allowing you to add a top-level variable (e.g., country) as well as multiple sub-variables (e.g., age). This additional layer splits your crosstab based on the top variable, providing a more detailed and comprehensive view of your data. We recommend this for larger multi-country or multi-wave surveys.

How to Use Stacked Crosstabs

With our new feature, you can select up to four top-level variables: waves, country, age, and gender. Additionally, you can choose as many sub-variables as needed, such as demographics, answers to specific questions (single & multiple choice) or your own custom built segments. This flexibility allows you to create comprehensive and detailed tables without the need to build separate segments for each variable combination.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Choose “Stacked” as crosstab type: Navigate to the crosstabs page and select select the “Stacked” option on the right hand-side panel

  2. Select Your Top Variables: Begin by choosing your top variable (waves, country, age, or gender). This will be the variable that is on the top level of your table, and all your sub variables will go underneath.

  3. Add Sub-Variables: Next, add any additional sub-variables you wish to analyse. These could include specific demographics, answers to questions or custom segments. You can add as many sub variables as you’d like.

  4. Generate the Crosstab: Once you’ve selected your variables, our system will automatically generate the stacked crosstab. You will also be able to see if there are any statistically significant differences between your columns.

  5. Analyse the Results: Use the stacked crosstab to identify patterns, trends, and insights that may not be apparent in simpler analyses. For example, you can compare how different age groups respond to survey questions across various countries, all in one comprehensive table.

Benefits of Stacked Crosstabs

  • Time-Saving: Stacked crosstabs eliminate the need to create multiple separate segments for each country or wave, significantly reducing the time and effort required for analysis.

  • Comprehensive Insights: By analysing multiple variables simultaneously, you can uncover deeper insights and more complex interactions within your data.

  • Enhanced Multimarket and Multiwave Research: This feature is particularly beneficial for studies spanning multiple markets or waves, allowing for a more cohesive and integrated analysis.

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