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Connect Jira to Aurelius

A how-to guide for configuring Jira integrations with Aurelius

Joseph Szczesniak avatar
Written by Joseph Szczesniak
Updated over 5 years ago

Jira integrations are only available for Premium and Enterprise plans. 

You can connect your Aurelius account to your Jira Cloud instance with just three pieces of information.

  1. Your Jira domain

  2. A Jira API token

  3. An email address to log issues on behalf of 

First, you'll need your Jira domain. This is very easy to get. Simply go to your Jira instance and look at the URL. For example, our Jira instance is hosted at, so our domain is  simply aureliuslab.

Second, go to to generate a new API Token for Aurelius to use. We use this API token to access your Jira instance in order to send Insights there on your behalf. 

Click on "Create API Token" and give it a name you'll remember is used for Aurelius. Copy that API token. But be careful! You can't ever see it again. Make sure you write it down. I would suggest putting it in a password manager such as Lastpass or OnePassword.  

Third, you'll need a valid email address of a user in your Jira account. This is the user that will be logging issues created via Aurelius. This email address does not need to be an Aurelius user, but does need to have the ability to create issues in your system. 

Finally, go to the company page on Aurelius. Click on your company name in the sidebar. 

Scroll down to the section titled "Manage Jira" and click "Edit". Insert your details and hit save.

That's it! Now you can push Insights to Jira with just a few steps.

Sending an Aurelius Insight to Jira.

Once you have configured Jira correctly you can send an Insight directly to Jira as a new issue type of your choosing. The only required fields for an issue in Jira are summary and description.

From the Insight of your choosing, click "Send to Jira".

There are only two steps to sending an Insight to Jira. First, choose your project:

Then choose the applicable Issue Type. Remember, this Issue Type MUST have the fields summary and description

Choose your Issue Type and that's it! The summary field will be populated with the Insight name, and the description will be in the description field in Jira. Additionally, all notes will be listed as a bulleted list. Feel free to edit it at this point. 


Watch this short video of how to send Key Insights from Aurelius to Jira:



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