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Salesforce integration with Autoklose.

Jelena avatar
Written by Jelena
Updated over 7 months ago

Integration represents two-way communication between Autoklose and Salesforce and enables synchronization of Contacts and Leads. It requires at least a Professional Salesforce edition, as Essential or trial subscriptions don't provide API access. Advanced and Accelerated Kloser subscription plans have access to the Salesforce integration. In case you would like to know more about available features in different pricing and Autoklose subscription ranges, please refer to the Pricing page or reach out to the support team.

How to connect a Salesforce account with Autoklose:

  1. Log in to the Autoklose account.

  2. Navigate to the Integrations page.

  3. Click on the Salesforce tab, and hit Connect Account.

  4. Enter login credentials for your Salesforce account. This step will be skipped if you are logged in to Salesforce.

  5. Review the permissions necessary for the integration, and finish the process when ready.

Note: by default, it is possible to connect only one Salesforce account per Autoklose team. In case your team has multiple managers, and would like to utilize more than one Salesforce account, please reach out to the support team via chat/email, or contact your designated customer support manager.

Initial Setup and field mapping

The integration can synchronize Contacts and Leads from Salesforce. Depending on your preference, both or individual options can be enabled.

Synced Contacts and Synced Leads tabs work in the same way. It is possible to sync all or just contacts and leads that match specific Filters predefined inside Salesforce.
"Automatic Syncing" provides an option to periodically synchronize all contacts or only those that meet one or more of your Salesforce filters. Whatever you choose, you can automatically apply Autoklose tags to those synced contacts.

Automatic Syncing happens every 6 hours, but "Sync On-Demand" can be used in case there is an immediate need to import contacts. Select the desired Salesforce filter, apply the tag/s if needed, and hit the "Sync" button.

The synchronization process should initiate shortly after, with the progress bar visible in the Synced Contacts/Leads section.

Once the Salesforce account is connected, at first, only fields that exist both inside Autoklose and Salesforce will be visible and pre-mapped. Each field synchronization can be set to One Way From Autoklose and From Salesforce or Two Way Sync.

The Email field is mandatory inside Autoklose and is, by default, set to From the Autoklose type of sync. Additional fields can be added using the Add Mapping Field button. Simply choose the field from Salesforce, map it to the Autoklose field, and set the Synchronization direction. Once satisfied with mapping, select a tag and hit the Sync option if necessary.

If you wish to learn how to create a custom contact field inside Autoklose, please check this article.

To create a custom field inside Salesforce, please follow the instructions from the Salesforce knowledge base.

Both Synced Contacts and Synced Leads tabs have the option to Export Autoklose Contacts to Salesforce and create them either as SF contacts or SF leads, depending on from which tab it is activated.
This option is essential if you want to start synchronizing contacts that exist only inside your Autoklose account and not in Salesforce.

This option opens the list of Autoklose contacts that are not synchronized with your Salesforce account. It can contain contacts from various sources and even those that were added using Salesforce integration but were not synchronized in the meantime (deleted from Salesforce, synced to Autoklose from different Salesforce accounts for example).
Use filters or search contacts one by one, select, and when ready, hit the Export contacts to Salesforce button at the bottom of the page. Export them manually for the first time, and from that moment, synchronization will be done automatically, but only if synchronization is enabled and the necessary Salesforce filter is selected. Once this is done, the result screen is shown, with number of successfully exported contacts and number of failed or contacts that already exist inside Salesforce (existing email addresses.)

For larger exports with more than 10,000 contacts, Autoklose will require more time to finish the process. A small info bar appears in the lower left corner showing the export progress.
Before exporting contacts to Salesforce, please note the following:

  • Contacts will not be exported if they are missing data. Salesforce Leads must have an organization and last name, and Salesforce Contacts must have a last name.

  • If a selected contact's email address already exists in Salesforce, it will not be exported.

  • Exported Contacts will not continue to be synced with Autoklose unless they appear under your selected Salesforce filter and Contact or Lead synchronization is enabled.

  • If the Salesforce account does not have enough available storage space, the export will be rejected.

The next tab, Sync Log, contains information about all recent contact synchronization. Available information is the number of contacts added to Autoklose, contacts updated inside Autoklose (Existing contacts), Contacts or Leads changed inside Salesforce, and finally, a date stamp.

The Settings tab gives a way to enable Automatic Syncing. This process will be done 4 times per day, every 6 hours.
The "Task Due" Setting is intended to work in pair with the Automated and Decision Tree campaign action "Add Task to Salesforce." If the recipient makes some actions that trigger an automation to create a task inside Salesforce, that task will have a DUE DATE field set depending on this exact setting. If the value is set to 0, the task will have today's date.

Reconnect - on rare occasions, connection tokens can expire or become invalid. The Reconnect button allows you to re-establish connection without disconnecting the Salesforce account and losing all settings.

Disconnect Account - in case you no longer need this integration or you simply wish to switch to a different Salesforce account. Please note that all integration settings and mapping will be removed as well.
If, after Disconnect, the same account is Connected once again, contacts from disconnected integration will no longer show in the Contacts section Active in Integration filter. Additionally, Export Contacts/Leads to Salesforce will show and offer those contacts to send and sync with the newly integrated account. This can increase the number of contacts to push and synchronize.

Salesforce integration also brings some changes to Automated Action and Decision Tree campaigns. These actions are only available once the integration is completed and the Salesforce account is connected.
Available new actions for both campaign types are:

  • Convert Lead in Salesforce - once the predefined campaign condition is reached, the Lead Status will be changed. The action will not automatically convert leads. Due to various possibilities, the conversion process must be finished manually inside Salesforce.

  • Close Lead in Salesforce - in case of a specific, predefined action (usually the Not Interested or Unsubscribe reply), set the lead status to Closed Lead. The action will not automatically close the lead. Due to various possibilities, the closing process must be finished manually inside Salesforce.

  • Update/Create Lead in Salesforce - If a lead already exists in Salesforce, update the record. If no matching lead is found and no SFDC contact is associated with the recipient, create a (new) Lead.

  • Update Lead in Salesforce - If a lead already exists in Salesforce, update the record.

  • Update/Create Contact in Salesforce - If a contact already exists in Salesforce, update the record. If no matching contact is found and no SFDC contact is associated with the recipient, create a (new) Contact.

  • Update Contact in Salesforce - If a contact already exists in Salesforce, update the record.

  • Add Event to Salesforce - create an event inside lead or contact inside Salesforce.

  • Add Task to Salesforce - create a task inside lead or contact inside Salesforce.

Only team managers have the option to integrate and sync Salesforce accounts. This action is not available for team members. Since all contacts are shared between team members, synced Salesforce contacts will be visible to all members, as well as the option to use Salesforce actions in Automated Actions and Decision tree campaigns.

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If you have any questions, do not hesitate to initiate a live chat.

Your team!

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