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Keep track of user or team member activity.

Milos avatar
Written by Milos
Updated over a week ago

The new Logs page gives full control and overview to the team manager. Audit logs provide a detailed list of almost all team member actions inside Autoklose. From the moment user has logged into Autoklose, changed email or account settings, created a campaign, and added or edited contact, all those activities will be presented and visible.

Activity Logs show the latest activity performed by your recipients. View recent clicks and replies from your campaigns - you will be able to see who replied to the specific email from the specific campaign and if the recipient clicked on a URL inside a specific email from the specific campaign.

Audit logs are more complex, so let's go into more detail.

These logs present team member activities from various Autoklose sections.

The feature keeps and shows logs for the last 30 days.

Logs page filters and advanced view.

Enable the switch Impersonation logs on the right side to check which logs have been generated while someone's logged in as another team member.
The Member field allows selecting all or specific team members whose audit logs you want to view.

The actions field shows how far these logs can go. They cover most of the Autoklose. By default, all logs are shown, but it is possible to select only parts or sections of Autoklose for which you would like to view logs.

The last filter is the Date range. Choose any period, and filtered logs will be presented. Please note that you are only able to view the logs for the last 30 days.

Click to expand and check the full list of available logs:


  1. Login

  2. SSO login

  3. Logout


Account settings

  1. Change name

  2. Change email address

  3. Change password

  4. Change timezone

  5. Enable template analyzer

  6. Disable template analyzer

Email settings

  1. Connect Google

  2. Disconnect Google

  3. Connect Microsoft

  4. Disconnect Microsoft

  5. Connect email account

  6. Disconnect email account

  7. Change tracking domain

  8. Enable Ramp-up

  9. Disable Ramp-up

  10. Change sending speed

  11. Change email signature

  12. Change email CC

  13. Change email BCC

  14. Change email alias

  15. Change email reading interval

  16. Change email sender's full name


  1. Change email subscription


  1. Change payment

  2. Activate subscription

  3. Change subscription

  4. Cancel subscription

  5. Buy credits

  6. Add team slots

DNE domains

  1. Add DNE domain

  2. Remove DNE domain

  3. Upload CSV DNE domain

  4. Bulk remove DNE domains


  1. Change the unengaged contacts' number

Contact fields

  1. Add contact field

  2. Change contact field

  3. Remove contact field


  1. Create campaign

  2. Duplicate campaign

  3. Pause campaign

  4. Resume campaign

  5. Remove campaign

  6. Pin campaign

  7. Unpin campaign

  8. Change campaign info

  9. Add automation

  10. Remove automation

  11. Add campaign recipients

  12. Remove campaign recipients

  13. Set email position

  14. Set recipient status

  15. Save a sequence as a new template

  16. Send a test email

  17. Save an email

  18. Add an A/B test email

  19. Assign campaign

  20. Toggle decision tree


  1. Compose a new email

  2. Reply

  3. Forward

  4. Apply/Remove tag to email

  5. Remove tag from email

  6. Bulk apply the tag to email

  7. Bulk remove the tag to email

  8. Add to a campaign

  9. Add to Do Not Email list

  10. Remove from Do Not Email list


  1. Add contact

  2. Upload contacts CSV

  3. Edit contact

  4. Remove contact

  5. Add to campaign

  6. Add to Do Not Email list

  7. Remove from Do Not Email list

  8. Apply tag to contact

  9. Remove tag from contact

  10. Bulk apply tag to contact

  11. Bulk remove tag from contact

  12. Validate contact

  13. Export contacts CSV


  1. Export to CSV


  1. Create a tag

  2. Edit tag

  3. Delete a tag



  1. Create template

  2. Edit template

  3. Delete template

  4. Duplicate template

  5. Add template email

  6. Edit template email

  7. Delete template email

Saved emails

  1. Create saved email

  2. Edit saved email

  3. Delete saved email


API key

  1. Generate API key

  2. Revoke API key


  1. Connect Pipedrive

  2. Disconnect Pipedrive

  3. Sync Pipedrive users


  1. Connect Salesflare

  2. Disconnect Salesflare


  1. Connect Calendly

  2. Disconnect Calendly


  1. Connect Salesforce

  2. Disconnect Salesforce

  3. Contacts synced

  4. Leads synced

  5. Contacts and leads synced

  6. Automatic sync enabled

  7. Automatic sync disabled

  8. Changed value for Task Due Settings ( from - to )

My Team

Team settings

  1. Change team name

  2. Change team industry


  1. Add email connection

  2. Remove email connection

  3. Deactivate user

  4. Activate user

  5. Remove from the team


  1. Invite member

  2. Revoke invitation

  3. Invitation accepted

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If you have any questions do not hesitate to initiate a live chat.

Your team!

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