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User Notifications

Alert Users on Key Project Activities and Required Actions

Jasper Cooper avatar
Written by Jasper Cooper
Updated over 4 months ago


Notifications are triggered in AutoRFP when working on Projects to ensure everyone knows what they need to do and to 'pull' users into the system. Note that by default, all notifications will be turned on.


In addition to email, AutoRFP offers Microsoft Teams & Slack integrations that allow all of the supported notifications to be reflected there. These notifications include direct links to the relevant task within

Admins can enable these integrations in the Integrations tab under Organization Settings.

Notification Settings

Each User can change their notification preferences in their User Settings:

This will allow you to change your preferences between Email, Slack, or Teams for each notification, choosing what platforms you would like to receive each notification via.

Project Notifications

Project Collaboration

Assigned as Editor: In an effort to avoid redundant or overwhelming number of notifications, will notify you when you are assigned to your first requirement, but not for every single requirement. Should you complete your assigned requirements, will only notify you again if you are assigned additional requirements you need to log back into complete.

Tagged in Comment: will send you a notification for each comment your @mentioned in instantly to ensure you are aware. The notification will include a link to the specific question you have commented on.

Response Review Requested: If you are assigned as a Reviewer, you will be notified once the Editor has submitted the first requirement for you to review. You will receive a second notification when an Editor has submitted all their assigned requirements for review.

This helps you know when the Editor has started and also when they have completed their work for you to review.

Response Comment Added: Notifies you when any comment is added to a Response you are assigned as an Editor or Reviewer of.

Response Changes Requested: This notifies you when any changes are requested to a response you are assigned as an editor to.

Project & Customer Owner

Get additional notifications as the owner of a project, or customer owner as users complete their work.

Completes All Assigned Responses: If one of the contributing Editors or Reviewers completes all their tasks (e.g. An Editor Submits all 5 of their assigned requirements) and you are the Project Owner, you will be notified.

Project Completed: Notified if the Project Status is changed to Completed.

Content Notifications

Content Management

As a content manager you have the option

​Add to Library Request: When a User requests a response from a Project be added to a Library.

Assigned as Owner: When you've been assigned as the owner to a piece of content, that you will be responsible for ongoing.

Assigned as Editor: For example, when you've been assigned as an Editor during a review, a piece of content has been flagged, and someone would like you to contribute to it.

Content Ownership

Content can be assigned to users (or teams of users) for them to own and manage within the system. You can assign owners by clicking the "person" avatar in the bottom right of any piece of content, or select multiple pieces and bulk assign to a user or team of users.

For the Content you own, you will receive a range of notifications for the different actions, such as flagged content, suggested changes, completed reviews and comments added to the content.

Content Flagged for Review: If a user clicks the "flag" icon on the top right corner of a piece of content it will be pushed to the content owner for review. It will also remove this piece of content from circulation until it is reviewed and approved.

Content Receives Suggested Changes: When a user without content management permissions takes the initiative of editing a piece of content they can present a suggested change. This will notify you as the content owner.

Content Review Completed: Receive confirmation that your suggested changes or flagged content has been reviewed (in the case you have asked another content manager to review something for you).

Content Comment Added: When reviewing and updating content (in the content management tab) there is a comment box for users to have dialogue around edits being made.

Team Assigned Content Flagged: This is the same concept as "content flagged for review", but expands to the team you are a part of within the system (when a user is asking someone or anyone on your team to review, but not you specifically).

Other Notifications

Upcoming Due Dates will notify Project Owners of upcoming Due Dates on Projects 3 days before they are due (Questions Due, Project Due).

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