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Glossary: Reporting Dashboard
Glossary: Reporting Dashboard

Read this page to find a complete list of metrics used in the reporting dashboard along with their definitions.

Written by Avid Admin
Updated over 2 months ago



Article Views

The total number of times an article or content page is viewed. This corresponds to page views in Google Analytics, which counts each instance a page is loaded.


The total number of times your content (such as an ad, post, video, or article) is displayed to users, regardless of whether it is clicked or interacted with.

Note: Impressions track how often content is viewed, while Reach measures the number of unique viewers. Impressions can exceed Reach if the content is shown multiple times to the same users.

Video Plays

The number of times your video starts to play. This is counted for each impression of a video, and excludes replays.

Note: Video plays can occur either when a video starts to play automatically or because someone clicked to play the video.


The number of reactions on your content. The reactions button on a social post allows people to share different reactions to its content: like, love, care, haha, wow, sad or angry (for Facebook) or like (for Instagram).


The number of times users share the content with their own networks or on their social media profiles.


The number of written responses or feedback left by users on the content.


The number of times users save content for later viewing or reference.

Average Dwell Time

This is a historical metric from GA Universal which can be defined as the average time a user spends on an article or webpage before leaving.

While Google Analytics doesn't currently measure "Dwell Time," the term is still used and can be approximated using Average Time on Page on GA4.

Average Session Duration

The average amount of time a user spends on your site during a session, calculated by dividing the total duration of all sessions by the number of sessions.

This differs from dwell time which referred to time on time on a specific page whereas a “session” refers to site duration.

Average Engagement Time

The average amount of time a user is actively engaged with your content, reflected as Engaged Time, which tracks how long a user interacts with the site or app, excluding time spent idle.

Clicks To Client

The number of clicks from a particular piece of content to the client’s website or landing page, usually captured via link tracking platforms (ie Bitly or Rebrandly) or UTMs.

Clicks to Publisher/ Article

The number of times users click to access a specific article or content page from supplementary content (inclusive of amplification channels (digital ads, etc)).

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