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Conversion Funnel Breakdown

This guide will help you understand the terminology and data located on your Dashboard and Individual RFP Stats Conversion Funnels

Heather avatar
Written by Heather
Updated over a week ago

Please note that the funnel shows data about vendors’ interactions with RFP(s) whether they were pre-existing in the system before the initiation of the individual RFP, or they signed up or were manually entered or uploaded at any point during the RFP process.

The outlined logic and criteria for vendor Outreach, Engagement, and Interest only applies to ACTIVE vendors. Pending vendors are not matched and do not receive any communications from the system.

When bid and award data is entered into Avisare via the "Offline activities" data entry option, that data is visible in the funnel and in calculated totals, whether or not those vendors are activated in the system.

RFP Conversion Funnel Definition


  • How the system evaluates:

    • When an RFP is entered into or uploaded into Avisare, the system evaluates the RFP’s “products and services” sought (usually indicated by a NAICS or NIGP code) and evaluates that against the “products and services” listed for each vendor in the system to find the best matches for the RFP.

  • What happens next:

    • When an RFP is public, Avisare sends out an outreach email to each of the vendors that match the products and services indicated in the RFP. Matched vendors also receive a notification on their dashboard.

    • When an RFP is private, Avisare sends an outreach email to only those vendors specified by the client. Invited vendors also receive a notification on their dashboard.

  • What is shown in the funnel (Individual RFP):

    • The number of matches found by the system (an unduplicated count of vendors that have been matched to the RFP).

  • What is shown in the funnel (dashboard):

    • The number of matches found by the system to any of the organization’s RFPs.

    • If a vendor is matched to or views two different RFPs in the selected time period they are shown 2x.

  • When a new vendor joins the system they are automatically matched to all open, appropriate RFPs and receive outreach notifications about them. Pending vendors are not matched. RFPs added to the system subsequent to their "close" date are not matched.


  • How the system evaluates:

    • When a vendor views the listing for an RFP on Avisare’s site, it is recorded as engagement. They could have landed on the RFP page because of a match/ notification email or through searching on the site.

  • What happens next:

    • The vendor’s first viewing of the RFP is added to the Engagement portion of the Conversion Funnel. Note: Multiple views by the same vendor on the same RFP do not result in duplicated view counts.

  • What is shown in the funnel (individual RFP):

    • The unduplicated number of vendors that have viewed Avisare’s page for that particular RFP.

  • What is shown in the funnel (dashboard):

    • The unduplicated number of vendors that have viewed any of that organization’s RFPs during the selected time period. Note: If a vendor views two different RFPs in the time period it is counted 2x, 1 per RFP.

  • The primary trigger for an engagement count is “view”. Other events such as favorite, download, print etc. are secondary and do not trigger an engagement count. These other activities can only happen after the vendor has viewed the RFP page.

  • It is also important to note that, there is one unique view count per vendor in the funnel— In other words, every time a vendor views an RFP, it does not count as a unique engagement. Counts of the number of views per vendor are visible in match data exports.

  • Vendors can engage with multiple RFPs simultaneously.


  • How the system evaluates:

    • A vendor clicks on “Bid Now” or "Favorites" an RFP (by clicking on the heart icon on the RFP page).

  • What happens next:

    • A count is added to the conversion funnel(s).

  • What is shown in the funnel (individual RFP):

    • Number of unduplicated vendors that have clicked on “Bid Now” or "Favorite" for the RFP.

  • What is shown in the funnel (dashboard):

    • Number of vendors that have clicked on “Bid Now” or "Favorite" on any of the organization’s RFPs during the selected time period. If a vendor clicks “Bid Now” or "Favorites" two RFPs in the time period it is counted 2x.

Vendors are counted as expressing “Interest” in each individual RFP. They may have clicked the “Bid Now” button or "Favorited" multiple RFPs but are only counted as “Interested” one time for each individual RFP. “Interest” is recorded whether or not a vendor completes and/or withdraws a bid. If a vendor bids on an RFP directly (going directly to the “Bid Now” link), they are registered as having expressed "Interest" and also backfilled to this Engagement stage.


  • How the system evaluates:

    • Vendor has submitted a formal bid in response to the RFP, whether a client is using Avisare’s e-bidding tools or has manually entered the bid information via Offline Activities.

  • What happens next:

    • A bid count is added to the conversion funnel(s).

  • What is shown in the funnel (Individual RFP):

    • The unduplicated number of vendors that have bid on the RFP. Currently, if a customer is manually entering RFP award data, they enter the number of bids, and this is currently shown on the funnel.

    • Please note that if a customer is using Avisare’s e-bidding system, vendors have the option to withdraw their bid and if they do so are removed from the “Bid” count.

  • What is shown in the funnel (dashboard):

    • The number of vendors that have bid on any of the organization's RFPs. Currently, if a customer is manually entering RFP award data via Offline Activities, they enter the number of bids, and this is currently shown on the funnel. If a vendor bids on 2 RFPs they are counted 2x.

  • If e-bidding is enabled and an RFP is closed (due date has passed) we also allow clients to provide offline data on other bids if they choose to, which means we then have offline data and an online e-bidding record for that RFP. In that case, the funnel shows a combination of these two records. E.g if the online bid is 4 and the offline record is 2 we show you 6 as the record in the dashboard. N:B This same logic applies to award data.

  • Vendor can decide to withdraw their bid (if using e-bidding) and the record is deleted.

  • If a vendor enters the bid process only at the “bid” stage via ebidding or manual data entry it does not backfill.


  • How the system evaluates:

    • The client awards the bid to a specific vendor and enters relevant data about the award (e.g. award date and amount if known). If the client is not using Avisare’s e-bidding system, this data must currently be manually entered via Offline Activities.

  • What happens next:

    • The RFP is considered completed and the number of Awarded vendors are added to the Award section in the funnel(s).

  • What is shown in the funnel (Individual RFP):
    The unduplicated number of awarded vendors via ebidding or manual reporting.

  • What is shown in the funnel (dashboard):
    The number of awarded vendors for all the organization's RFPs. If a vendor were awarded for two different RFPs it would be counted 2x.

  • Currently, there can only be one award registered via e-bidding, however multiple vendors can be entered as awardees via the Offline Activities if ebidding is not being utilized.

Funnel filtering:

“By Certification”.

Clicking this filter shows the vendors sorted by which have indicated that they have a certification and uploaded a certification document. Please note that these self-reported certifications are not verified by Avisare.

"My registered vendors"

Clicking this filter shows the vendors represented in the overall funnel that are affiliated with a specific customer. They may be affiliated either through being part of an uploaded vendor list or because they registered through a customer's co-branded vendor enrollment page. Vendors may be affiliated with more than one customer.


Understanding the criteria and logic behind each stage of the RFP conversion funnel is essential for both clients and vendors to navigate the platform effectively. By tracking progress through these stages, stakeholders can better manage and optimize their interactions, leading to more successful collaborations and outcomes.

For information on downloading these stats, please see the following Help Article:

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