Task lists

Structure the tasks of your project in lists. A task can be in several lists at the same time.

Lucas Bauche avatar
Written by Lucas Bauche
Updated this week

To easily organize tasks in projects, create task lists in the Tasks tab via the "+ task - button". In the lists, you are able to create multiple tasks to be grouped together.

Create a new list

There are three ways to create a new task list in a project.

  1. If you don't have a list in the project yet, click on the dashed box to create a new list.

  2. Click the blue + task-button at the top left and then select task list.

  3. Hover with the mouse pointer below an existing list to insert a new one after this list (or between two lists).

Give a name to your new list.

Change the list order

The order of the lists can be adjusted by drag & drop. Click on the header of a list (where the list name is) and drag the list to the desired position.

Alternatively, edit the order by clicking on the list icon Manage task lists in the upper left corner. In the window that opens, you can see all the lists and move them in their order by drag & drop.

Add or move tasks to lists

A task can be in several lists at the same time, or in no list. However, it always remains the same task. For example, if it is completed, it will be displayed as completed in all lists.

When you create a new task from the task window, you have a task lists field that allows you to select the lists in which the task should appear.

This can also be done on existing tasks

  • via the quick action select task lists

  • in the task details in the Task lists field

  • via the action button (three dots) via edit

  • via the bulk action

You can also create a new task directly in the list when clicking on task.

If you hover between two tasks with the mouse pointer and click on the text Add task here, you create tasks between existing tasks in the list.

☝️Hint: You can also move single tasks to another project. To do this, simply edit the task via the action button and change the project there. Alternatively, you can also move tasks to another project using the bulk action.

Learn more about how to edit multiple tasks at the same time here.

Search for tasks

You can search within the task lists using the icon with the magnifying glass at the top right. In addition to the task name, you can use the improved search, similar to a filter command, to search for specific criteria. You can search for task lists, priority (prio), tags, due date (Deadline) and status name.

Hint: Unfortunately, it can not be search for task descriptions.

Drag & drop and sorting tasks

You can drag and drop tasks between lists, or simply change their order.

☝️ Hint: As the list "without list" is technically not a real list, the order in the "without list" cannot be changed, not even in the task templates. To work around this, you can simply create a new list that is also called "without list", for example, and then adjust the order of the tasks there.

If you move a task between two lists, awork will ask you at the bottom of the screen if you want to move the tasks or just additionally see them in the new list. By confirming, the task will appear in both lists.

Quick actions in lists

Some actions can be performed directly in lists. It's possible to

  1. Edit the status of a task

  2. Mark the task as prio

  3. Select task lists

  4. Add and remove tags

  5. Edit recurrence

  6. Start tracking

  7. Set due date

  8. Set assignee

  9. Edit further details of a task

☝️Hint: If the timer has been started on the task, you will see the running timer in the list view on the task. If you hover over the display with the mouse, you can pause or stop the timer. More information can be found here.

Show work progress of the entire list

As soon as the mouse pointer is moved over a list, it shows the current progress. This can be displayed in two ways. The change is done by clicking on the progress:

  • Completed tasks / Existing tasks

  • Tracked time / Planned time

Delete or archive unused lists

Hide the tasks of a list by clicking on the arrow icon in the top right corner of the header.

If you don't want to show the whole list anymore, you can delete or archive it. For that, click on the action button in the list.

If you choose the Archive option, the list will be hidden. However, only lists that don't contain any open tasks can be archived. If there are still open tasks in the list, you will get the following options for handling the tasks:

  • Move open tasks to be without a list

  • Assign open tasks to another task list

  • Set open tasks to done

  • Delete open tasks from this list

Unarchive lists

Manage the tasks of the project by clicking on the list icon in the header.

By clicking the action button next to the archived list you have the option to unarchive the list, to delete tasks or to delete the list permanently.

Lists on large screens

On large screens, your task view expands to include multiple columns that give you even more information at a glance. You can use the icon at the top right to decide which columns you want to display here.

In addition, a mini map is displayed on the right side of the screen, which shows a bird's eye view of all tasks and lists. Here you can quickly see where you are with your view and can scroll to the task lists by clicking on the respective area of the mini map.

☝️ Hint: The minimap is only displayed if the menu on the left is hidden and no other view is open. For example, if a task with its details is open next to the list view (split view), the minimap will NOT be displayed. In addition, a screen resolution of at least 1600p is required.

Open task details

To open the detail view, click on the task name in the list, then the task opens on the right side. If your awork window is too small for the split view of lists and details, you will automatically navigate to the task details.

Learn more about task details.

Import task templates

You can import ready-made task templates to your projects. Learn more about the use of task templates here.

Edit multiple tasks at the same time

Edit multiple tasks of a project at the same time and, for example, move them to another project or delete them. Learn more about editing multiple tasks at once.

Duplicate task list incl. tasks

Using the action menu in the upper right corner of a task list you can duplicate an entire task list. Hidden completed tasks will be duplicated as well. Similar to duplicating single tasks, subtasks, descriptions, attachments, etc. will be also copied or duplicated.

☝️Hint: Attachments are currently not duplicated!

The duplicated list will appear below the original list along with all tasks.

Move task list to another project

You can use the action menu in the upper right corner of a task list to move the entire list including the tasks to another project. Select the project. Since the task statuses in the new project can be different, you must now choose in which new status your existing tasks should get. After saving, the entire list is automatically moved and disappears from the project.

Show completed tasks

If you complete a task in a project, it will be automatically hidden in the list view after the next reload. At the top left above the lists you will find the icon for displaying the completed tasks. Here you get two options:

Show recently completed tasks

Here only the completed tasks are loaded and displayed that were completed within the last 30 days. It is advisable to use this setting if you have ongoing projects that you use as a kind of ticketing and hundreds of tasks accumulate over time.

Show all tasks

Here all completed tasks of the project are loaded and displayed.

Choose the option that fits your project. awork automatically remembers the setting for your user and the project.

Filter by task lists

When creating task filters (link to corresponding article), you have the option of selecting task lists and filtering by them. It is also possible to specify only certain parts of a list title, such as "Onboarding" - all tasks from all lists whose title includes the word "Onboarding" will be displayed.

This gives you even more options to refine your filters and obtain cross-project overviews.

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