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Add, edit or delete a product
Anthony avatar
Written by Anthony
Updated over 12 months ago

Do you want to sell a fitness assessment, a 2-month fitness pack, a nutrition pack with small equipment, etc.? Thanks to the Products feature, you can now monetize anything you want through the app, in addition to the classic content (such as programs, a la carte workouts and video courses).

Add a product

From the backoffice, in the "Products" tab click on the "+ Create a product" button :

You can then enter all the information you need (name, description before and after purchase, photo, price, etc.).

How do you add content to a product?

Here are a few concrete examples to help you understand:

  • Selling a "Training Pack" containing access to a specific training programme + specific video lessons

  • Selling a "Bilan Forme" containing access to a specific à la carte session + 1 specific training programme

  • Sell a "Challenges Pack" containing access to specific challenges

The aim is therefore to automatically unlock access to this linked content once your customer has purchased the product from the app.

In the "Clients" menu in your back office, click on the "Manage group" button and add a new group (let's call it "Initial assessment").

In the "Products" menu, edit the record for your previously created product, then in the "Purchase action" section, tick the "Initial balance" group. Save this modification.

Then, for the classic content you want to link to this product, go to the content file(s).

Here's an example with a programme (the principle is the same for other types of content).

To find out how to share a programme, go to this article.

Make sure you select the type with "Generic for all my customers or groups". Then, in the sharing section, activate sharing and add the "Initial assessment" group to this programme :

In this example, the "Special bodybuilding recovery" programme will be automatically unlocked for the customer who bought the linked product.

Editing a product

In the "Products" menu in your back office, choose the product you want to edit from the list and click on the "Actions" button, then "Edit".

Once in the product editor, you can modify everything (general information, group(s), price, etc.).

Deleting a product

In the "Products" menu in your back office, choose the product you want to edit from the list and click on the "Actions" button, then "Delete".

The deletion of a product in no way implies the deletion of the content linked to it.

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