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The Baby Gear for Providers
How much baby gear do I need to become a provider?
How much baby gear do I need to become a provider?
Beste Kokkaya avatar
Written by Beste Kokkaya
Updated over a week ago

To start as a Babonbo Provider, you only need one item to rent. The most popular items are strollers, travel cribs, and car seats.

Do keep in mind that the more items you have in your store, the higher your potential earnings. Our top-performing Providers have at least 2 to 3 strollers in their stores, plus other items, which means they earn more money per rental order.

However, don’t get intimidated! These Providers also started with smaller stores and invested in more baby gear to meet the growing demand.

We recommend starting with whatever gear you already have and investing in additional baby gear, ideally second-hand, once you start having orders you can’t meet. Contact us via chat if you are curious about what types of baby gear have been requested in your city.

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