How do I publish my venue's events on Bandsintown?
Updated over a week ago

Adding a single event:
From the Events tab in your Bandsintown dashboard, click the +Add Event button to open a new event form.

  1. Add the headlining artist, start date, and start time. Note: The headlining artist must have a Bandsintown page. Type the first letters of the name of your headliner and use our auto-completion to select the appropriate artist.

  2. Include any necessary event details like an event name, description, event photo, and lineup. If you don't have an event image, Bandsintown will use the headliner's profile photo.

  3. Add ticket or streaming link(s) if applicable (please use the full URL, e.g For each link, indicate the type (Tickets, Presale, VIP, Fan Club, Free, or Sold Out).

  4. Choose whether to immediately publish this show or schedule it.

You can also click the downwards facing arrow beside Publish to Save As Draft so you can continue later. The event will remain accessible at the top of your Events section under Draft and will not go live until you hit the Publish button.

Congratulations, you've just added an event to your Bandsintown page!

*If you are interested in adding a live stream event please email us at and we can help!
Adding multiple events at once
You can also add multiple events at once by using our Event Upload feature. Click on the Import link beside the +Add Event button.

From there, follow these steps:
 1. Download the spreadsheet template.

2. Fill in the columns of the spreadsheet and be sure to follow the instructions, then export that as a .csv.
 3. When ready, click Drag and drop your file to select it from your computer, or just drag it from the desktop or folder, then click the Upload button.
 4. If your spreadsheet is formatted correctly, your events will be posted shortly! If any errors are found in the spreadsheet, you will receive an error message with details and you should check your spreadsheet formatting again and resubmit after making the appropriate changes.

Additionally, you can duplicate events that you have already added. From the Events section, click on the three dots next to the event you want to duplicate, then click Duplicate.

This will open that event information in a new event form. Change any information you'd like and then click Save.

PLEASE NOTE: Adding your events to your venue page will display the events on your venue page in our mobile fan app. To add your events to the artists' pages you can email us at with the link to your venue's Facebook page and we can see if your venue qualifies for verification. After you become verified, the events you add to your venue page in Bandsintown will automatically be sent to artist pages (depending on Artist Settings)!

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