What are Imported Events?
Updated over a week ago

Bandsintown relies on a number of partners and data sources, including ticketing companies (Ticketmaster, AXS, Eventbrite, See Tickets and many more), booking agencies, promoters, and venues, to import events that are then published on artist pages and announced to the fans. This simplifies data input for you and ensures that your fans are always in the know as soon as a show is announced online so that we can help bring more fans to you. Even after publication, you still have full control over your events and can review and edit them at any time.
If you want to pre-screen every event before they are announced to your fans on Bandsintown, you can go to Settings and set "Imported Events" to OFF. By doing this, Bandsintown continues to import events associated with your artist, but does not publish or announce them to your fans until you have decided to.

If you have any, these events will reside under the Imported section at the top of your Upcoming Events so you always get to see them first and decide whether to publish or remove them. Make sure to check regularly so your fans don't miss out on any of your shows!

Please note: It is our mission to help fans never miss a show. When managers of an artist whose Imported Events auto-publication setting is turned OFF have not connected to Bandsintown on the web or mobile app for more than 60 days, events imported from partners Ticketmaster, AXS, Eventbrite and See Tickets will be automatically published on Bandsintown properties (website, mobile app and emails) after 7 days of import, regardless of the Imported Events setting. This ensures that fans who trust Bandsintown to keep them informed of upcoming events remain up-to-date. Managers can always connect to Bandsintown again to review or edit these events at any time.

If you have any question, contact Artist Support by clicking on the Messenger icon in the bottom right corner of the page or email us at artistsupport@bandsintown.com. We're happy to help!

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