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Choose Your Project Styles
Choose Your Project Styles

Choose an overall style for how your project pages will look for participants

Gayathri Rajendiran avatar
Written by Gayathri Rajendiran
Updated over 3 months ago

In Project Styles you can choose colors and themes for the overall look of your project pages. To set the styling, go to Appearance > Project Styles and from there you can choose from the Project Page Themes and set your Color options.

Choose a Theme

Select from the Project Page Themes and Save to apply the theme to all project pages on your site.

project page theme selection screen

There are three themes to choose from:

  • Classic: a default theme that does not support advanced color, shadow, or corner settings, but does allow you to choose three primary colors.

  • Fresh: gives project pages a lighter feel using soft shadows, white space, large content containers, and rounded corners.

  • Bold: creates more prominent project pages with well-defined widget and tool tab areas and framed content areas.

You can select View example for the Fresh or Bold theme to preview them, and these themes allow you more granular control over the colors on your project pages.

The Bold theme example page

Set Colors

Your Color settings work differently depending on which theme you selected. If you chose Classic as your theme, you’ll be able to set three Primary colors and contact us to change your Secondary colors. If you set your Primary colors and then switch themes, the colors will not carry over.

The color options in project styles

Fresh and Bold themes allow you more control over the colors of specific elements of your project pages, including Advanced Color Overrides.

To change any color:

  1. Select either the color swatch or hex code to open the color picker.

  2. Use the slider to select a color and the gradient to choose the correct shade.

  3. Or enter the hex code into the field. Your hex code should start with a # and be a combination of 6 numbers and letters. You can also use the arrows to switch between hex, RGB, and HSL.

    The color picker for colors in Project styles
  4. Save when you’ve adjusted your colors. You can Reset colors to start again with the system defaults for Fresh and Bold themes but not for Classic.

Whichever colors you choose must follow the color contract accessibility standards. For the full list of available color settings, please see:

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