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What is it and how does it work?

Written by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
Updated over a week ago

Coinsurance is your share of the costs of a health care service. It's usually figured as a percentage of the amount we allow to be charged for services. You start paying coinsurance after you've paid your plan's deductible. Your coinsurance is part of cost-sharing, which means that the insured party must pay a portion of the expenses they incur.

How it works: For example, if your deductible is $1,500 then once you've paid that amount in health care expenses, you've met your deductible! Next time you go to the doctor, instead of paying the entire bill, you and your plan share the cost. For example: if your plan pays 70% of allowable charges, then the 30% of allowable charges left is your coinsurance.

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